35. Pancakes and the Chicken Strip

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Izuku's pov

The presentation ceremony was weird, on account of my ferocity with Kacchan and Izumi, me and Tsuburaba were the only people who could get presented the medals. Unlike last year, it was the number 2 who presented the medals this time. As he placed the medal on my neck, he whispered in my ear "You are coming with me tomorrow, someone wants to talk to you". I nodded and as Aizawa ended the festival, I bowed with Tsuburaba. 

Timeskip to the dorms

We were all sitting in the dorm common area talking about something random. Everyone was there except Kacchan and Izumi, they weren't sulking, they were still unconscience from the fights. somehow, the topic ended up on Me and Ingenium fighting "Did you fight any other heroes?" Ashido asked, "Endeavor too many times to count, All the top ten heroes, the Oki Mariner crew, Mr Aizawa, Mt Lady, Pft..." I tried to think of more "I can't remember others but those are my better fights" I finished "Why would you fight a maritime crew? kero" Tsu asked 

"I was helping the straw hats capture a ship full of trafficked children" I replied "Straw hats?" Jiro asked 'I shouldn't have said that' "They're a group of robin hoods, rob the rich give to the poor type of people. I was chasing a group of human traffickers and they managed to get offshore so I needed a ship, I couldn't just borrow one so I asked to borrow their ship and then they helped me save the kids" I explained, "Okay enough stories, Let's play truth or dare!" Ashido suggested. I looked at 'Toshi moved to suggest going upstairs. He shook his head no then texted me 'You only interact with them in class, Do this for me 😥'. I grumbled but stayed sitting while the girls sat on the floor. Most of the boys left, only me Kirishima, Todoroki, 'Toshi and Iida remained.

"Todoroki, Truth or Dare?" Ashido asked "Dare" Todoroki Monotoned "Make us all smores" Ashido demanded. I expected him to use the stove, not his right side. Todoroki sat in the centre of the living area with his shirt off, everyone roasting marshmallows off the heat. Once everyone had a Smore, Todoroki chose Yaoyorozu "Truth" "What's the Silliest thing you've made?" He asked "when I first got my quirk, I made super-soakers for my brothers who instantaneously used them to spray me" She replied slightly embarrassed "Jiro, Truth or dare?" She asked before any of us could ask her to elaborate "Dare" Jiro replied "Connect your earphone jacks to this speaker" Yaoyorozu requested while handed her a speaker. 

Jiro cautiously connected to the speaker. A dastardly grin came on Ashido's face as she pressed play on her phone. Jiro shook while Never gonna give you up blared from the speaker. The entire class busted out laughing. Jiro stared at everyone with a nervous blush until she began to laugh with us. Many rounds passed, stupid dares, dark confessions, a lot of food until I was picked "Midobro, Truth or dare?" Kirishima asked "Truth" I replied, "What's in the box you brought- ?" He asked with a raised eyebrow "Dare" I interjected "Show us the box" He demanded. That box was not meant for anyone other than me. "Cant you dare anything else?" I asked "No, I'm dying of curiosity"

I sighed and walked to the elevator "I'll be right back" I stated while the door closed. I quickly made my way to the box hidden in one of the kitchen cabinets.  I removed the money since I didn't want people to ask how I got it *cough* (stealing from villains) *cough*. Once the hefty amount of money was placed down, I carried the rest of the box downstairs. Once I arrived I placed the box in the centre of the Common space "Don't let any of the needles poke you" I recommended while sitting down. This made everyone look nervous to open it "Go on, open it" I demanded. Kirishima cautiously opened the box and slowly pulled out the first thing.

In order, he pulled out Three recipro cans, an elephant tranquillizer, a few pieces of dangerous tech and finally a box full of quirk erasing bullets. Hopefully, they're the only ones left. "This is not as bad as I expected" Kirishima sounded relieved "That's the stuff that wasn't burned" I mumbled "Right, enough looking, I'm off to bed!" I said while grabbing the box "Shit it's 9 pm, Mr Aizawa's gonna kill us!" Ashido jumped up insanely fast, causing the rest of the class to panic. Me and 'Toshi walked upstairs, the box in my hand. We got into bed and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up and shook 'Toshi, our usual routine. "I'm gonna make pancakes, Come down to the common space when your dressed" I requested while putting my glasses on "Arent you gonna get dressed?" 'Toshi asked "I have a meeting with The chicken Strip so I'll just wear my hardening" I replied while throwing off my clothes. I quickly grabbed the paint set from my bedside drawer. A fun use of my quirk is putting colour pigment on my skin giving me the ability to change my hardening's colour. It's how I make my hero costume. Very Iq (If I do say so myself)

I went downstairs and quickly got the stuff for making the pancakes. I threw the large number of ingredients into the two mixing bowls and grabbed a few frying pans. Eri loved pancakes, I would make them all the time for her so the recipe is always in my head. I just multiplied it by ten to feed twenty people. I grabbed the mixing bowls and placed them beside the stove while frying off the pancakes. About halfway through the frying, Iida, Yaoyorozu and Jiro came into the Kitchen. "You made Pancakes? Thank you Midoriya" Iida thanked "Just call me Izuku" I requested while placing four pancakes on the plates. 

I placed them on the tables as the rest of the class filed in "Thanks for the food Midobro!" Kirishima said while sitting beside me "Call me Izuku please" I requested "Damn these are good! thanks, Midoriya!" Kaminari called from the other side of the room "Just say it to them all later" 'Toshi said from my side. I hummed in response while pulling out my phone. I quickly had it knocked out of my hand by a half-eaten pancake. I looked up and saw Kacchan with a scowl on his face "Don't insult me by serving me shit" He scoffed while throwing the other ones at the bin "I'm gonna go wash the dishes" I mumbled while going to the sink. My mood was instantly ruined by Kacchan so once the pans and bowls were cleaned I headed out to find Hawks

"Up here Kitsune" He beckoned from the top of the dorm "I don't have a provisional licence, I'm not flying up to you" I replied, "Jezus when did you start worrying about illegal quirk usage?" Hawks asked while dropping to the ground "I'm just pissed off okay?" I replied "Well get less pissed off then. We're going to The HPSC building so get comfortable" Across my vision I saw myself getting picked up by hawks and him flying "I'll use my quirk if you let me" I said while dodging his dive bomb "Fine, lets get going already, the presidents a busy woman" 

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