40. An Eventful Day

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The age of consent where I live is 17, Wattpad requires characters to be 16+, it's referenced not smut.

The 14th of July

Izuku's pov

It was late at night, my final day as a free man was over. Tommorow doesn't count, after everything that's happened on the 15th in the past, I know that something bad will happen. Hitoshi and I were living in the house I built, during the summer. At the time, Toshi was trying to persuade me to go to a beach party with the class tomorrow. There was also another question in the air, he was 17 and I'd be 17 at twelve am. We were both awkward when it came to talking about that question. Eri was long asleep, tucked in bed with Akiko protecting us. 

"If I go tomorrow then something bad will happen to the class" I explained "But they'd love to see you there, I promised them. You've broken tradition before, so you can break this one!" He exclaimed "I don't want to see them hurt, even the people who I haven't interacted with very much" "How about a compromise? I'll bring my Binding cloth and then we'll be able to protect everyone" He offered "Fine" I mumbled "C'mon, you'll enjoy yourself" He offered me a smile.

We sat in awkward silence, Luna's soft purring being the only noise in the room. "'Toshi? We love each other a lot right?" I asked "more than anyone else" he replied while looking in my eyes "are you ready?" I asked. Both of us had awkward blushes on our faces "I'd love to do it, but I'm nervous" He replied. I turned away from him and to the cat on its bed. "Let's head upstairs, We'll see where it goes"

The next day

Last night was amazing. We agreed to do it in the end and it could not have been better. I woke up feeling refreshed and shook Hitoshi. He groggily opened his eyes and leaned up. "Morning lovely" He mumbled while trying to get up. "Morning, you sore?" I asked, "Not really, you?" He replied "no, my god of the mind took good care of me" I Whispered. 'Toshi sighed and added a chuckle, "Let's get up, we should take Eri to dad" I said without thinking "Dad? that's not a word I hear from you often." 'Toshi commented "I meant Aizawa" I mumbled

'Toshi was smart enough to not bring it up again. I made our way downstairs while he woke Eri. Luna frosted his way to my shoulder like he normally does in the morning. He was my comfort animal, he just has a way of calming me down. He's not licenced but still. I began making cereal for Eri, Milk for the cats, and coffee for the grownups. No one can control me anymore, well maybe Hitoshi but that's neither here nor there. Eri and Toshi came downstairs, Akiko leading the two. He liked them but was still wary of me. We ate quickly and the humans headed towards the basement where I installed a garage. A drivers licence is easy to get when you learned that the exam tester drove drunk... thirty-something times. 

I ended up getting a car off the commission, they only drive Volkswagen for some reason. Eri got into the back while I hopped into the driver's seat. "Eri, would you mind staying with Aizawa for a bit? Me and 'Toshi have something to do" I asked "Okay Onichan!" She replied before humming to the music. We sat in silence as the elevator raised the car to the surface. I drove through the camo I used to hide the elevator and out of the forest. 

We pulled up into a parking spot outside UA. I locked the car once we all got out. We headed towards the teacher's dorms first, to drop Eri off and get 'Toshi his swimming trunks. We arrived quickly and 'Toshi entered their passcode. We walked into the kitchen where 'Zashi was cooking and Aizawa was struggling to keep his head up "Morning" I started "And to what do we owe the pleasure?" Aizawa mumbled sarcastically "'Toshi needs something, and I was wondering if you could watch Eri for awhile" I requested "we'd love to Little listener" 'Zashi said before Aizawa managed to say something 

We waved bye to the three as we walked out the door. Next stop was the class 2-A dorms, We were gonna offer to take bags and stuff so the class wouldn't have to carry them to the beach. Once we arrived, all the class were in some form of swimming gear and quite a few of the boys had blushes, pervs. "Hey Midobro" Kirishima greeted "yo" I replied while 'Toshi waved. "Anyone want a ride?" I asked while twirling my keys on my finger "I'll take it" Todorokoi monotoned "Can I?" Kaminari asked "Me too" Kirishima added. "Sure, might be a bit tight though" I said "LETS GO!" Mina shouted, causing the class to file out of the building. Most of the bags the class had were normal, except for two cake boxes, it was Izumi's birthday after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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