31. Unfortunate Sons

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Welcome back Knights, 'The attack of Allies and Enemies' Begins!

Week time skip

Izuku's pov

"Welcome! Welcome, welcome. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour. Now, before we begin we have a special gift directly from me, A message, 'I came here to do two things, drink coffee and kick butt, and I'm not allowed any more coffee'" I spoke brightly into the microphone "THAT WAS OUR 2ND YEAR REPRESENTATIVE DEKU" Mic shouted over the intercom. I could hear Hitoshi's loud groan over all the laughs, cheers and boo's. My smile grew as the green flames of my hair flicked in the light breeze. I walked off the stage and fell back in line. Kacchan was boring a hole in the back of my head. "AND OUR HOST!! ELECTOPLANT" Mic called with a small giggle in the background. Eri got to watch the sports festival from the commentator's box and was clearly enjoying it. 

"Welcome students and spectators to the second Year UA sports festival, Let's get on with It!" He shot a bolt of electricity at the wheel of games and it quickly began spinning. 'Do these people still not know that the games are set before the festival?' I questioned myself. The wheel slowed till it ended on spleef. Fucking spleef... the Minecraft minigame. "THE FIRST EVENT IS SPLEEF, THE CLASSIC GAME IS PLAYED BY DESTROYING THE FLOOR BENEATH YOUR OPPONENTS" Mic explained "Exactly, the game will be played in the centre of the stadium" Electoplant announced while Cementoss removed the layer of concrete covering the stage. All the students dropped onto the blocks. The stage was made of interconnecting blocks designed by yours truly. They connected like a jigsaw but were strong enough to stand by themselves. They were 50cm x 50cm and self suspended by dual-layer magnets.

The game began as soon as we fell, leaving everyone shook. I quickly threw two knives at students who were staring at the commenters box "STARTING ALREADY? THIS IS GONNA BE EPIC!" Mic shouted "You could give people a chance Deku," Kacchan said from behind me. I jumped up, grabbed his shoulders and threw him towards the other side "I'm giving you a chance to make it to the finale" I replied while throwing knives at the blocks beneath students with crappy hair. I quickly walked towards the corner, dodging some 100 other students. Once I reached it, I created a bow and began shooting. A gen ed kid here, a support girl there and a ton of potshots at Monoma. I kept counting the students as they dropped. At 67, a group of gen ed's approached me. 

"You may be a hero course kid but you're gonna lose a one on six" The leader, A girl with a bobcat head threatened "you're not just wrong, you're stupid" I winked while creating kettlebells slightly above the blocks, making them drop. They fell into the foam pit bellow with a collective scream. I chuckled and got comfortable once again. The number consistently dropped till it was 41. There was a heated fight going on, Izumi versus a boy with an unhinged jaw and jagged claws. He was moving fast and unpredictably, exactly how you beat Izumi. She was about to fall when she grabbed him in black whip and threw him down faster than herself. "AND THAT'S THE GAME!" Mic shouted. 

'That was so boring' I was rolling my eyes at Nezu's choice of challenges. The arena was repaired by Cementoss and Electoplant came back on the stage. "Congrats to our winners, That was an exciting game for sure!" He shouted, "Now on with the next game!" He once again shot the wheel and made it start spinning, It went around a few times till it reached 'Villain roundup'. "The next game shall be villain roundup! 16 faux villains will be brought to the arena" As he said this, a group of Ectoplasms entered through the large vomitorium "There are 16 villains, so 16 people will win! Catch a villain and bring them out of the marked area to win! The game shall begin in 30 seconds" Electoplant announced. I quickly jogged over to the spikey blonde-haired boy that I had challenged "Kacchan" I started "Ugh what?!" He barked while turning "You need to get the last villain so we can fight in the final" I instructed "Why don't you have to come last?" He asked, "Because I barely moved the last game, I need to show off a bit too!" I replied "Tch, fine Deku" He scoffed while turning away

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