Part 31- another visitor

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I woke up this morning when a loud noise came from across the room I was startled at first but when I actually looked around it was just the tv still playing videos, me and Alex must have fallen asleep watching something. I found the remote buried under the covers and turned it off to try and get some more sleep. I closed my eyes and thought about all the great dreams I could be having if I was asleep which sometimes helps me fall asleep and today it did and I felt sleep consume me.

I woke up again about an hour and a half later at 9 which was a bit more respectable so I got up to get showered and dressed for the day. Me and Alex don't have any plans today so I just put on some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt leaving my hair wet and my face bare. Normally I would put more effort in if someone was with me but I know that Alex doesn't care, he's FaceTimed me in the middle of the night when I've just woken up and said nothing about it.

As I came out of the bathroom Alex was just waking up, he looked slightly confused and his hair was all over the place. I walked over and moved his hair out of his eyes before sitting down on the bed looking at him as he recovered from his sleepy state.

"Are you alright you look really confused?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine I just wondered where you were because in my dream you were with me and then you weren't here and I was confused" he replied

"Well I'm back, what do you want for breakfast? I'll go and make it while you get ready" I said

"I don't mind make whatever you want" he said

I left the room and went downstairs in an attempt to remember where I put everything, I eventually found everything I needed to make french toast and got to work preparing it all trying to do it quickly so it was ready before Alex came downstairs.

I just finished cooking the last bit of french toast as Alex walked into the kitchen, I handed him a plate and we ate at the breakfast bar while I played music through the house for something to listen to. Alex and I did the washing up after we finished eating but we were interrupted by the doorbell ringing which scared me because I'm not used to the sound of it.

I ran to the door and looked through the peep hole but I wasn't able to make out who it was so I opened the door to be met with a familiar face.

"Karl what are you doing here" I said

"I thought I would come visit you" he said

"This is great come in Alex is in the kitchen" I said

He followed me into the house and I made him hide behind a wall to surprise Alex, I went back to Alex and got him to walk into the living room where Karl was standing. Karl jumped out and scared him, poor Alex went into fight mode before he realised that it was Karl standing there and gave him a hug.

We talked for a little while and Alex and Karl kind of asked each other why they were here because even Karl didn't know that Alex had planned to surprise me a few days ago. This was starting to feel weird that my friends feel like they can just turn up which I love I'm always in need of a friend. I also love that my friends care enough to want to come and visit me to see how I'm doing.

I gave Karl a tour of the house and we all took a walk around the neighbourhood because I wanted to show Karl how nice the area was. It was also a really nice day out so it was a good time to go outside. I forgot that I looked like a mess until we had already been walking for 15 minutes.

I suddenly became very self conscious of how I looked so I tried to tie up my t-shirt and fold over the waistband of my sweatpants to make them not as long and to tighten them around my waist. I still felt like a mess but there was nothing I could do now other than try to forget about it until we got home and I could change. (If you dress like this there is no need to feel self conscious just personally I don't like going out wearing all baggy clothes)

"You ok you seem uncomfortable" Alex whispered in my ear

"I'm fine just feel weird being out dressed like this" I whispered back

"Well I think you look good" he said

He smiled at me too and he reached his hand over to untie my shirt and let it fall back down my body. As much as I still felt a little insecure it made me feel better knowing Alex thought I looked good. He subtly grabbed my hand as we walked and squeezed it a little if anyone walked past as reassurance that they didn't care what I looked like. Karl was clueless as to what we were doing he was just happily walking around talking to the odd person that walked past.

When we got home I went and got changed into some jeans and properly tied up the t-shirt I had on before to make myself look more presentable if we were to go out again or if anyone else random turned up. At this point I had no idea who was going to just randomly turn up because apparently it's surprise y/n week.

The boys suggested we stream together again which seemed like a good idea but I had to tell Karl not to tell my chat that Alex was here before he was because they didn't know which he agreed to. I set up my stream and tweeted telling people to send in questions and get ready for a media share stream with special guests. I wanted us to have a super chill stream where we answered questions from chat and did a ylyl challenge.

My chat quickly filled with messages and my viewer count jumped from the few that hang around in the offline chat to 50,000 which is a ridiculous amount for having only been live for less than a minute. I was receiving an insane amount of donations with questions for us it was going to be so hard to get to them all.

How come your background is different

"I moved a few days ago so this is going to be my new background I promise it will get better I just need to decorate more" I said

How come Alex and Karl are there

"They surprised me today because they wanted to visit" I answered

We answered a bunch more questions and had some in depth talks about a few topics that we were passionate about and we went off on someone who told me I couldn't stream because I was a woman. Believe me it was so riveting to school this person on how to live in the 21st Century. Karl and Alex were also backing me up telling this guy that he was being stupid.

"I'm sorry dude but this girl right here is a great streamer she works really hard on everything she does and has earns everything shes got from her effort and not the fact shes female" Alex said

"Look at her right now shes on 75,000 viewers and you're watching aren't you clearly she must be doing pretty good" Karl continued

"Thank you guys" I said

It was safe to say that the guy left after that or a better way to put it was forced to leave because I banned him from my stream. We continued with the stream and watched some media shares that people had been sending in throughout the stream.

We enjoyed the videos but we weren't allowed to laugh which was kind of hard when Karl and Alex made comments that made the videos funnier. Eventually I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore when Alex said something really stupid, I just burst out laughing to the point where I started wheezing and people put dream in the chat. I made the others laugh with my laugh and it was a whole cycle and we couldn't stop laughing for a stupid amount of time.

We made it through all of the media shares before I ended my stream and we went back to chilling outside in the garden lying on the sun loungers that the past owners left at the house. It was so sunny out today which is to be expected in California but it has been a bit miserable and grey recently so it was nice to see the sun out again.

The rest of the day was just spent doing chill things nothing that interesting and when it got to the evening Karl left to stay at a hotel despite me offering for him to stay at the house. He is staying for another day so tomorrow the 3 of us are going to go out shopping and do some other things.

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