Home Sweet Home

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You wake up to a kiss on the forehead.  Your eyes flutter open.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." your dad smiles at you.

"No don't worry about it I was already kind of up."

"You look so much like your mother." He looks at you smiling and stroking your hair.

"Can you tell me about her? I didn't really get to know her."

"Sure. What do you want to know?"

"Well, what was she like?"

"She was an angel. She was smart and kind. She had a lot of the same qualities you do." He came and sat on the side of your bed. "She was one of the best people I have ever known she was always smiling. She loved hanging out with kids I never understood why until you came into my life. When she left I was devasted. It was like my light in the world was gone. I understand why she left though. We were both young and didn't really know what love was all I know is all her best qualities are amplified in you." A knock at the door interrupts him a doctor walks in.

"So we ran some more tests on your blood and we have no idea what caused you to slip into the coma but we are releasing you but we recommend you stay in bed for another week. We just need you to sign papers for and then you guys can leave." he smiles at you. He hands your dad a clipboard with a bunch of papers. As your dad reads and signs the papers you round up your stuff. 


You pull up to the tower. You get out of the car "Home sweet home."

"Yeah, I haven't really back here for a while. I couldn't bear coming back here while you were in the hospital."

You walk through the front door and all the lights are off you look back "Did you forget to pay the electricity bill again?" you shout out to your dad. Then suddenly you feel arms around you. You grab the person and flip them on their back you get ready to punch when a small voice squeaks out "Wait, wait I'm a friend. It's Peter." Peter oh no you realize that you had just flipped Peter over your shoulder you let your arm drop. You try to get up but Peter grabs your hips and pulls them back down on him. He lifts his head to kiss you but you are just out of his reach "Will you move your head a bit down so I can at least give you a proper welcome home?"

You leaned down a bit. Yours and Peter's lips meet as the light flicks on "SUPRISE WELCOME HOME!" they all are just staring at you sitting on Peter. You pull away.

Nat chuckles "You know there other people who missed you it's not just him." You get off Peter and leave him laying on the ground stunned.

"Well, I figured he deserves some kind of apology I did flip him over my shoulder."  You laugh as you walk over to Nat.

"Nice flip though." she says while she hugs you "We will have to work on it a little bit in training."

"Training?" you look at her confused.

"Yeah training for you to become an Avenger," Cap says as he reaches for a hug. You go over and hug him. You then go over to Bruce and hug him. He hugs you tight

"Can't breathe..." He lets go.

"Sorry just missed seeing you around and helping you with homework." he smiles gently at you.

"Well, I am gonna need your help to catch before exams." you smile softly.

"Yeah definitely." 

 Peter grabs your waist and turns you around. "You're not gonna flip me again are you?"

You laugh "That was your own fault and who knows. I am spontaneous." 

"Welcome home, Y/N." he hugs you.

"I should probably get some of my homework done. I'll be in my room."

"Oh no, you are not skipping out on this party." Nat grabs your shoulder and pulls you in close.

"Ok, ok fine." 

"Hey, why don't we see what other powers you have," Cap suggests.

"Why not."  you close your eyes and start focusing. You know you can read minds but you want to see what else you can do. Finally, you felt something change in the atmosphere around you open your eyes.

"Ok good one guys you can move now." you wave your hand past Cap's face. "Ok, seriously guys." After five minutes or so they start moving again. 

"Y/N when did you get here?" Cap asks 

"Don't you know you guys were so still?"

"What time is it?" he asks as he looks down at his watch.

"Why does that matter?" you respond

"Just tell me the time."

"Ok well, my phone says it 6:35."

"My watch says it's 6:30."

"Are you sure your watch isn't slow?" your dad asks.

"Check your watch, Tony,"  Cap responds 

So he checked the time. He looks surprised.

"Friday what time is it?" he asks looking at you then his watch.

"It is 6:31 pm, sir." Friday's automated voice rings out.

"Wow you froze time." Peter looks at you with admiration. You smile. 

"Ok let me try another one." you look at Peter and think about him coming over to kiss you. You don't know why but all you know is that you want him to kiss you.

All of the sudden Peter walks up to you and kisses you. You kiss back. 

"Ok wow so not the time Peter." Sarcasm is presence in Caps voice. Peter pulls back blushing.

"Ok I didn't mean to ok. I was thinking of how cool it is that Y/N can freeze time then I am kissing her. I'm sorry ok,"

You grab Peters hand "I don't think was your fault. I was maybe kind of thinking about you and me kissing right before you came over kissed me. I am sorry I didn't think anything would actually happen. I am so sorry I never want you to do anything you don't want to do," you look him in the eyes. You can't tell what he is thinking. Maybe that was a good thing you didn't want to violate his privacy anymore. 

Peter finally speaks up "Hey it's ok I got a magical girlfriend. I am gonna have to deal with the consequences of that," he kisses you on the cheek then winks at you "I knew what I was doing then." You blush.

"Ok well do you think that's all the powers you have?" your dad asks.

"I might have one more let me see." You begin concentrating on everyone's faces then think of a huge ice cream sandwich.

"Hey Tony, do we have any ice cream sandwiches," Nat asks.

"I don't know I was just thinking about that too," he responds

"Wait before you go get that ice cream sandwich you all are now craving you should now that I put that thought there. I guess that's an extension of the mind control."All of them look at you.

"Ok so will you agree not to your powers on us anymore?" Bruce holds his hand out to shake. You take his hand and shake it. 


Peter walks up behind you hugs you and whisper in your ear "You can take control of and read my mind anytime." 

You turn your head and whisper in his ear "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes." you then freeze time remove yourself from Peters hug and hide behind the stairs.

You watch as Peter calls out "Y/N... Y/N..." 

You laugh to yourself. You then smell an overwhelming amount of bleach and everything goes black.

Peter x Reader Marvel Fanfic (Female Bias)Where stories live. Discover now