Aunt May

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You and Peter enter Aunt May's apartment. It's filled with smells of cooked pastries.

"Hey, we are home," Peter calls out.

"We? I didn't know we were having guests over." a small woman appears out of the kitchen. She has an apron on. Flour is dusted over her hands and apron. Her hair is up in a bun. She has a bit of flour across her face.

"Hi. Sorry to drop in unannounced I would've thought Peter would've told you I was dropping by." You hold out your hand to shake "I'm Y/N, Y/N Stark."

She takes your hand and shakes it. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Your the young woman who caught this guy's eye." she nudges Peters side.

Peter goes bright red and grabs the back of his neck.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I have heard a little bit about you." you smile.

"I have heard a lot about you. The first time he met you he would not stop talking about you-"

"Ok there Aunt May I think you have said enough. What about those pastries." Peter cut her off. His face beet red.

"Wait a minute I want to hear this." you look at Peter and wink.

He swallows hard.

"Well, he wouldn't stop talking about how you have beautiful eyes. The way the light caught your hair something about how it shone underneath the fluorescent lights or the way your eyes sparkled when you looked at him. The way your calm but strong voice broke up the meeting. My god, he went on about your voice for hours. All I know is that he has loved you since October 6. I wrote in my datebook." she shows you the datebook. The page is open to October 6 the date is circled. There are little hearts scrawled all over it. Peter's and your name are scrawled in the middle.

"Wow, this is really sweet. I did almost the same thing." You pull out a little composition notebook from your pocket. It has a little heart on the cover. Your and Peter's name on it with a heart around it. You open it out falls some polaroids, some handwritten notes, on the pages are little entries.

One reads "I met this guy today. I was star-struck. He was handsome. His light brown curly hair caught the wind as he came up to talk to me. He seemed nervous. I was a nervous wreck. I had never had a guy like this approach me before. He said his name was Peter. God everything was perfect about this guy. I wonder if he felt the same way or was I just making all of this up. I really hope not."

"There are many more entries like that. Every adventure, every day for 9 months. I have more in my room hidden in drawers I just always keep this one with me to remind me of the first time we met."

"Wow, I had no clue. That is so embarrassing." Peter looks at you with a new expression you've never seen before. It was almost like his love multiplied.

"Gee you really know how to make a girl feel special."

"What no that's not what I meant. I meant like you did all of that," you shoot him a look it's not too stern but he seemed to take it that way. "I meant like you keep journals and cute things like that. I just talked to my aunt or like the walls." he smiles.

Your smile "Oh hun don't worry about it I know what you meant I just like teasing you."

"Well, you guys must be hungry?" Aunt May asks. You feel your phone vibrate.

"Oh excuse me. It's my dad." You walk to a different room and answer the phone. "Hey, what's up?"

On the other line "Hey kiddo I know you are meeting Peter's aunt but somethings come up and we need you both back right now."

"What's wrong?" you begin to worry.

"I would rather catch you guys up when you get here."

"Alright see you in twenty. Love you."

"Love you too bye," you hear a beep on the line. You put your phone back in your pocket.

"Hey what was that about?" Peter asks.

"Well, my dad wants both of us back at the tower. He says it's urgent. I am sorry to run out on you like this but we will get together soon ok?" You wait for Peter to say bye. You then head out the door.

"If you were uncomfortable in there I could've told her we didn't have to rush out of there."

"No, no. I wasn't uncomfortable we actually have to go my dad says it's urgent."

"Well ok let's go." he grabs your hand and begins walking to the stairs.

"Why are we going the stairs the elevators faster?"

"Yeah but the elevator doesn't take us up to the roof and that's the fastest way to travel around the city." he grabs your hand as you two sprint down the hallway to the stairs.

Peter x Reader Marvel Fanfic (Female Bias)Where stories live. Discover now