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You slowly start to wake up. You are laying in Peter's arms. He seems peaceful. You look at your alarm clock. The time reads 5:00 am. You know you won't be able to get back to sleep. Careful not to disturb Peter you roll out of bed and head toward your dresser. You pull out a pair of spandex shorts and a sports bra. Not worrying if Peter will wake up or not you undress. As you are pulling off your hoodie you hear the rustle of bed sheets.

"Need some help with that?" a voice asks in a low voice.

You try responding with a yes but it is to garble for even you to understand it. So you let the hoodie drop back down onto your shoulders. "Yes that would be helpful."

"Ok I got this."

The hoodie lifts off your shoulders once again. The hoodie comes off seamlessly.

"How did you do that? That hoodie always gets stuck. You must be lucky." you giggle and turn around only to find Peter there.

He grabs you by the waist and picks you up. You wrap your legs around him and kiss him passionately. He pulls away.

"Very very lucky."

You drop down and put on your sports bra on. "Ok I love you but I got to get downstairs or I won't be having breakfast." You give him a kiss on the cheek and leave the room.

Walking downstairs you notice a single light on in the kitchen. You sneak down the steps to see your dad and Cap. You notice they are close. It seems that there kissing. You clasp your hand over your mouth. Things start to click. Why he never married your mom. Why she said he didn't really love her. It was because he was gay obviously I couldn't just ask him that sort of question it would have to come up naturally but how do you bring that up naturally.

You hear the floorboards creak behind you a soft voice asks "What are you doing?"

"Can't you see?" You whisper back.

"What I don't see anything." Peter shifts closer. He leans close. Close enough for you to kiss him you restrain yourself.

"Ok not fair for one and look at my dad and Cap." you kind of push past his dopey little smile and point at your dad and Cap kissing.

"Your point being they do this every morning and usually at night too. Before you came they were close to getting together but then you came and Mr.Stark kept blowing him off. He wanted to get you know you a bit more but when you fell into your coma they got close again and this started about two months ago."

"And you didn't tell me." You hit him playfully.

"Hey stop that besides you never asked." you continue to hit playfully

"Well I didn't know this was option for him."

"Ok that's it your done."

He grabs your hands. You struggle to free yourself but to no avail. Soon he has you pinned down on your back. You still hopeless struggle to get out from under him but still no luck.

"Do want to know what happens to naughty girls such as yourself?" Peter voice is kind and gentle but there is a hint of flirting laced into his words.

"I have a feeling you are going to tell me whether I want to know or not."

"Well I wasn't tell you more rather show you." leaning in close to whisper the last part.

He lips just out of reach. You barely focus on him leaning in to kiss you. Of course since no one can resist your control he blindly follows what you want him to do. As soon as your lips touch all focus you had is gone. He pulls away as you lose focus.

"I wasn't suppose to do that. You little-"

"Hey you thought it I just gave you a little encouragement."

"Can't argue with that."

"Ok well can I get up now," you look at your watch "It's 5:10 and I have training at six and I need to have at least twenty minutes to eat my food."

He lets you up with a huff. "Fine,"

"Don't give me that or your sleeping at Aunt May's tonight."

He fakes being shot. "Ugh you have wounded me I give up."

"Dork." you roll your eyes and head downstairs.

"Morning dad, Cap."

Tony and your dad part lips so fast.

"Y/N! Uhh what are you doing up this early I thought Peter would have kept you in bed longer." Caps jumps he then eyes Peter at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah he got you about ten more minutes I was going to come down at five sharp but he held me up." you laugh to yourself.

"I hope you two were just talking or I will gut him like a fish."

"Sure just like you two were just talking."

"Peter-" Your dad begins to yell

"Hey let it go. She should get a free pass this time after all she caught us." Cap puts his hand on his shoulder. All the tension seems to just melt away.

"Fine and I'm sorry you had to find out like this I was going to tell you I swear I just didn't know how to say it or bring it up." Your dad goes red.

"Hey dad I love you no matter what. I am glad I know now you don't have to hide it but don't ever worry about that." you kiss him on the cheek. "Well now I am going to have breakfast and then I have to go train cause I have missed it for the past couple months. Bye."

You grab a bagel and head down to the training area and eat your bagel. Once your finish you get up and start beating the crap out of the punching bag.

"Hey you ok down here." A familiar voice asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's just train ok."

"Yeah ok." You turn around and face Nat. You begin some simple sparing and just working out some kinks in your form but other than that you do exceedingly well at your training.


"Wow you gave me a run for my money." Nat chuckles.

"Yeah." you laugh. "Ok well I'm going to go shower so I can head to Bruce School." you laugh a little bit harder.

"Ok see you later."

Peter x Reader Marvel Fanfic (Female Bias)Where stories live. Discover now