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You awake to the cold and damp floor feeling nauseous. You look around it is a circular room with padded white walls. A bed sits off to the side. An outline of a door can be seen. The door has a rectangle near the top of it. It looks to be a window. You get up and start walking towards the door but you stumble and fall. Your mind is a little hazy you can't quite focus. You get once again and stumble over to the door. You bang on the door.

"HEY!" you scream. You scream and scream. 

"Hey shut up." a strange voice says as a figure appears in the little window in the door.

"Hey, hey wait where am I?" you scream as the figure in the window disappears. "Please I just want to go home. Please," you scream louder and louder till you pass out.


A few hours later you wake up again this time you are strapped to a chair. You have all sorts of wires hooked up to you. You have an IV hook up to your right arm. The drowsiness had worn off so know you could focus. You look around you notice that there is a huge window in front of you.

You hear a buzz then the intercom "If you don't want to be hurt you will comply with everything we say."

"Who are you? What do you want?" you scream.

Once again you hear a buzz then the intercom "Who we are does not concern you. What we do doesn't concern you. What we want. What we want is you. Your power is immense and will just keep growing. So helps us and you won't get hurt."

"Where is my dad? I want my dad!" You scream out.

Once again a buzz than the intercom rings out "Your dad can't help you. He will just hold you back. Join us and we can help you to grow. Do you agree?" 

"No, I want to go home. Please let me go home. I didn't do anything please let me go home."

"Sorry Y/N your just too powerful we need you to join us. Do you think that they are looking for you? No, because you mean nothing to them."

"No, they are looking for me. My dad loves me I have people who care about me." 

"Why doesn't your dad spend time with you if he loves you."

"What he spends time with me. He just is busy often."

"But if he loves you like say then doesn't mean that he would make time for you."

Whoever they were they had a point. Why didn't your dad make time for you ever? You couldn't let them on that you were questioning your dad. "He loves me. Sometimes he just gets overwhelmed he doesn't love me any less."

The intercom goes silent for a while then a sudden buzz and the intercom comes on "We will pick this up tomorrow you will go back to your room."

You feel a sharp pain in your arm where the IV was and then everything goes black.

Peter x Reader Marvel Fanfic (Female Bias)Where stories live. Discover now