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After Peter leaves Loki knocks on the door frame.

"Hey what's up," you turn to face him.

"Hey, nothing I was just seeing how you were doing after last night cause man were you drunk." Loki laughs.

"Yeah I was." you chuckle "Well I am ok, just a huge headache." you grab your head.

"Yeah. So do you still want to know who I like from last night?" Loki moves closer to you.

"I mean yeah sure your just going to openly tell. Aren't you the god of mischief you aren't gonna make it that easy for me are you?"

"Why yes, I am the god of mischief. Well, I guess I could make it a little challenging." he mulls it over for a minute or two. "Ok, I am going to give you three hints. You guess after every hint who you think it is and if you don't guess in those three guesses then you will never know."

"Ok fine you got a deal." you reach out to shake his hand. He gladly takes it and shakes it.

"Your first clue is that they are a girl," Loki smirks at how generic the clue is.

"Ok well, that only leaves three people because there were only three girls in the room-" you get cut short of your rambling when Loki moves in to kiss you.

Before you can react your and Loki's lips are connected. As soon as you realize what is happening you push him away.

"What the hell?" you stand still in shock.

"What I love it when you ramble on. It's adorable," Loki looks you in the eye. His eyes contain a sparkle.

"I have to go." you back away and run out the door.

"Wait Y/N-" Loki calls out as you leave.

You think to yourself you have to get out. You freeze time as you run past Peter, Cap NAt, and your dad.


You were walking for a bit and you find yourself at a park. Not the normal park you and Peter go to. It's a park you have never even seen before today. Your mind was elsewhere so you must have gone off your normal walk route. It doesn't seem like the best neighborhood which you can immediately tell when a couple of gang bangers come up to you.

"Now who's this pretty lady we have here?" one says

Another one chimes in "I don't know but I don't think she's from around here."

"Yeah, she obviously doesn't cause if she were she would know not to be walking through here. This is our part of town." one spits out as he flicks out his knife.

"OK I am going to be giving you guys one warning and if you don't back the fuck up now I am going to seriously hurt you."

The gang bangers laugh "How can a girl hurts us." he steps in closer.

"You leave me no choice."

You grab one of the thug's arms and twist it behind his back and kick him to the ground. The other thugs obviously realizing I mean business flick out their knives. I focus on them dropping them. They drop them with surprise. A hear a swish overhead and it's Peter in his suit.

"Hey, darling these guys bothering you." He asks through the mask.

"Yeah hun but I think I got it." you punch out one of the guys as the one on the ground stands up and tries to knock you out.

"Ah, I think not." Peter web flies by you and wraps around the thug. Entrapping him and making him fall. You turn and kick the rest of the thugs tell they are all lying down on the ground breathing hard.

"I told you guys not to come near me," you remark as you make your way over to Peter. You hug him. "Thanks for coming to get me."

"No problem sweetheart you want to swing back to Stark Tower cause I know how much you hated it last time if not we can just walk." He takes off his mask.

"Yeah, I think I am going to stick to the ground."

"Ok well, that'll give us time to talk about why you're out here too. You had me and everyone scared. We had feared the worse."

"I have only been gone for an hour or so. Why was everyone so worried?"

"Y/N you have been gone for at least five hours. We were supposed to leave for our date at one but I never saw you come down from your room so I went to check on you and you weren't there and I know Loki went in after me so I went to ask him where you went and he said you just ran out. So I assumed that you froze time and ran out. So I have been checking the parks for the last five hours."

"I'm sorry for worrying you. I just needed to get out."

"Why?" Peter grabs you by the shoulders and stops you.

Peter x Reader Marvel Fanfic (Female Bias)Where stories live. Discover now