Chapter Four

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I wake up, sweating from warmth. I look up and see Tommy's peaceful sleeping face. I couldn't help but smile, but I have to admit, i had gone quite red due to realising my position.

Tommy's arms were wrapped around me, my head had laid in his chest, our legs tangled with each other's.

His eyes flutter open, i must have woke him by moving. "oh my god, I forgot I let you sleep here," he laughs, his morning voice was a lot deeper than his normal voice. I laugh along, and after awhile we both got up and dressed.

I put on a nice grey sweater and black shorts. Tommy wore beige jeans and his signature top. "Is that all you ever wear Mr Innit?" I joke, looking at him with a smirk. "Yes, and what are you gonna do about it?" He rolls his eyes and we walk downstairs. Tommy goes off to Tubbo, who is in the spare room, while I walk into the kitchen to see Wilbur.

"Heyy lil sis," He says turning around from making breakfast. "Morning wil," I say in a sleepy tone, coughing and sitting up at the island in the kitchen. "You realise I saw you two cuddling last night," He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows, leaning over the counter to face me.

"Oh my god Wil don't make it sound like that!" I glow a crimson red and I bury my face into my crossed arms. i'm actually surprised he wasn't hunting tommy down to shoot him dead.

After a minute or so, Tommy and Toby walk in and see Will teasing me. "Wilbur I swear to fuck i will obliterate you!" I say, pointing my finger at him, we were both joking though. "Oh really? come on now y/n! We all know you love him! mwah mwah mwah!" He nudges me, you could definitely tell he was my big brother now.

"William Gold." I say in a serious tone. "sorry! sorry! sorry!" He says quickly, not liking when i used his full name, also leaving Tommy and Toby in laughter.

I jump and whip my head around, not knowing that they were there. "Holy shit when did you pair get here?" I stutter, hoping they didn't hear the full conversation. "Oh only when you started to get angry with Wil," Toby says, I exhale a breath i didn't even know I was holding.

"Wilbur I swear if you tell anyone what this was about I will peacefully tell them all your biggest secret, sucks to know that i found out doesn't it?" I tease. "Okay okay! Jesus y/n I won't tell them!" He puts his hands up in surrender.

He finishes breakfast and gives mines to me. Tommy and Toby sat on one side of me, soon the other side was filled by Niki. "Good Morning Nikiii!" I hum, smiling at the pink haired girl who had sat down beside me.

"Morning Y/N! How are you?" She smiles at me, adjusting her glasses slightly. I look behind me before from leaning in slightly towards her and whispering to her "I'm just possibly in love Miss Nihachu,"

I explain it to her through whispering, what I meant by it. She smirks at me and says "I knew it,". This caught toby's attention. "You knew what Niki?" He asks. "Oh um, don't worry about it Toby, it's a girl thing," She covers up, and toby nods, turning away again. Everyone else was soon up and was eating when Clay said "Let's have a beach day today!"

Everyone agreed on his idea and went to get swimming gear. Me and Niki were chatting all the way up the stairs and separated to go to our different rooms. Tommy soon followed me into the room, i picked out a pretty swimsuit (I'll let you choose what you wear!) and went to the bathroom to put it on under my current clothes.

I walk out and Tommy goes in to do the same. "Excited then Tom?" I say as he comes out, you could quite clearly see his swimming shorts through the jeans. "Yup! I love the beach, if I'm dead honest with you y/n," He says, watching me getting everything i needed for the beach into my bag. "Can I put my stuff into your bag too?" He asks, as i look up and make eye contact with him. I nod and let him put his stuff in.

It really wasn't that heavy so I easily slung it over my shoulder and followed Tommy down the stairs and into the living room where everyone else was packing their things.

Minx comes over to me as tommy goes to my brother and says "You an' Tommy eh?" I hit her playfully. "Minx could you say it any louder you bitch?! And no, we are not dating." I groan, glaring at her.

Me, her and Niki chatted the whole way to the beach as we were walking because it wasn't that far from our BnB.

- Tommy POV -

Me and Wilbur were chatting while walking to the beach and he brings up Y/n. "So, you like her yeah?" He says, looking at me. "yeah, she's pretty, kind, generous, smart and funny. How could I not?" I blurt out, not really thinking of what I had just said.

My eyes dart to y/n, who was skipping happily in front of us. God she was adorable. "SimpInnit confirmed?" george says, causing Wilbur and Nick to laugh. "Shut up guys" I say, I wasn't gonna deny it because it would just be lying, and big man TommyInnit never lies.

- Y/N POV -

We make it to the beach and we set up our stuff. Every time I looked at Tommy he was staring at me, I found it rather cute actually .

I lay down on the towel on the sand, going onto my phone. Niki comes and persuades me to go into the water with her, so I take off my clothes so now I'm in just my swimsuit, keeping my shorts on though. I didn't like the idea of my thighs being on show. I chase after Niki and into the water, the cold water hitting my feet, but it began to warm up as the sun came out.

Me, Niki and Minx end up splashing each other with water and coming out laughing, I run back to my towel and sit for a minute before standing up again. "Come on guys! Get into the water!" I demand the boys who were all just laying, fully clothed, on their phones. None of them get up. I look at Niki and she looks at me, we both smirk.

"Last one to get into the water is a rotten egg!" I yell, all three of us girls reaching the water first and we turn around to see all the boys frantically taking their shirts and jeans off. George and Clay are the first ones to make it into the water. Ranboo and Toby following suit. Tommy not far behind them two. This was it, Nick or Wilbur? They both darted for the water, Wilbur being taller and having longer legs made it first, leaving Nick last.

"Oh for fucks sake!" He groaned, crossing his arms like a little kid. We all laugh at him until i feel a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around. "Why hello there Tommy" i laugh and rest my head on his shoulder for a few seconds, closing my eyes. "You're shivering y/n, are you okay?" He says with concern in his voice. "I guess it's a bit cold but nothing too bad, i'll be alright," I state, leaving him wrapping his arms tighter around me. i smile like an idiot and lean into his touch.

Sorry for no update yesterday!! I was very tired! Also I hope you enjoy this story!

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