Chapter Sixteen

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I wake up about 7:30am, nobody is awake yet so I decide to go on a walk to the beach and back.

I wanted some time to myself, so I take my AirPods and connect them to my phone again. i put my phone on do not disturb, as i hate when notifications interrupt my music.

I leave, making as little noise as I could. I walk there, listening to some music, it was very relaxing. I had been walking around for awhile, not tracking the time at all, humming to music at made me loose all those thoughts. I check the time, 8:55. I guess I should head back. No one was about, it was a very quiet morning here in Brighton.

I walk through the door, making very little noise and see a extremely worried Tommy and Wilbur on the couch. A nervous Niki and Minx. And then the rest of the boys were just dead silent, except Clay who was hushing an anxious George.

I was confused but when I made noise by placing my phone on the counter Wilbur turns around and yells "Y/N! WHERE WERE YOU? WE WERE SO WORRIED!" He hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry, i went for a walk and my phone was on silent.." I mumble, I didn't realise they were messaging and ringing me.

Tommy comes up after Wilbur and embraces me, he whispers "I thought I lost you.I'm so glad you're okay..". After he said that I felt so bad, they were all clearly very worried for me. i mean brighton isn't the best place for a 17 year old girl to go out running by herself. My heart aches at the thought of it. I dig my head into his chest, regretting not leaving a note or even answering my phone.

The tense in the room had faded, as everyone knew I was safe. "If I didn't come back you could have used this," I say, pulling out the compass. Tommy pulls out his and we show the adults, they all gasp and call us two cute.

I spot the chain still around his neck and I say "Didn't wanna take that off Huh?" I say, I pull mine into view aswell. "no way am i taking this off," he mumbles and smiles at me. I sit down, I put my AirPods in, I notice Tommy looking bored beside me, so I gave him the left AirPod. He smiles in response.

- Tommy POV -

'I hope that she looks at me, and thinks shit he is so pretty'

I didn't know she listened to this type of music, but it was calming. Love songs made me cringe but this one felt different in a way I couldn't put my finger on. I lay my head in her lap, her fingers run through my hair. She leans down and kisses my forehead before she continues playing with my hair. I look at her face, she looked cute when she was focused. I couldn't help but smile as she made eye contact with me, butterflies. That's the word, butterflies filled my stomach. Ah god, this woman.

I say this out of the blue. "You know you are my favourite woman right?". She smirks and says "what about the Queen and MotherInnit?". "They can have tied second," I notice her go red at this. Cute.

A few hours later, everyone was wandering around as we had nothing planned, it was beginning to look and sound like Thunder and Lightning. Wilbur and Y/n automatically looked at each other. It made me wonder what they were thinking about, but it definitely can't be good, knowing them two.

- y/n POV -

Me and Wilbur exchanged glances. We had a thing where every time there was thunder and lightning we would go and dance in it. I usually caught the flu or cold but I don't and never have cared. Wilbur comes over and offers me his hand. I take it and everyone else follows us to the front door as we run out into the pouring rain. Wilbur spins me around a few times, we were both very wet and cold. I sneeze and then Wilbur drags me inside. "You've got the usual y/n," He says, nobody understands what he meant. I sneeze again, and Wilbur laughs. "Yup, you've caught the cold. You don't care do you? You never have, but you look awfully cold,". Tommy looks worried for me. I shake my head, showing I don't give two shits.

"Go change into something warm y/n" Wilbur says, and I nod and leave. I come down in a dream hoodie and sweatpants. I plop down on the sofa, away from everyone. I didn't wanna spread whatever I had. Tommy sits beside me "Tommy.. I don't want you catching whatever I have.." I say as he cuddles up next to me. "I don't care, as long as you're okay I'll be okay" he says, giving me a kiss. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close, I look up to him and he's smiling. I sneeze again, but I turned away and I sneezed into my elbow so I didn't sneeze on Tommy, as that was sure to make him sick. I give him a weak smile before nuzzling my head into his neck and drifting off...

- Tommy POV -

Wilbur comes over to me as I lay back with y/n on my lap, running my hands through her hair. he whispers to me. "I want to be honest with you Tommy, I have never seen y/n more happy than when she's with you, and that's coming from me, her brother, who she has known for all her life. I just wanted to let you know that she really loves you". I had flushed a red colour and smiled at him before mustering all my strength and bringing y/n up to bed.

I get changed in the bathroom and when I come out shes barely awake and she doing her grabby hands again. I couldn't resist this time, so I crawl into her arms and she wraps her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck. She was like a little sleepy koala clinging to a tree, and I was the tree. I kiss her forehead and whisper "Goodnight sleepyhead" before my eyes shut..

I love writing chapters! I have some ideas, but this book is coming to a end, not soon, but in a while. I love writing books like these, who should I do a sort on next? (Mcyt!!)


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