Chapter Thirteen

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"Y/n.." I hear a soft voice saying, my eyes slowly open to see Tommy leaning over me. "It's 2:02pm, come on! You asked me to wake you up and Wilbur wants you in the kitchen for some reason. I'm not entirely sure why.." he says, strangely quiet for him, as if not to startle me.

My eyes adjust to the room around me, George and dream were sleeping and Niki and minx were giggling quietly. Tubbo, Ranboo and Nick in full blown conversation. I sit up and Tommy takes my hand to bring me to the kitchen to Wilbur. He looked worried. "Tommy could you leave for a minute?" He asked.

Tommy nodded, letting go of my hand, and went back to the living room. Wilbur opened his mouth to speak but just handed me a gift. It read on top 'Dear Y/N, from Mum and Dad'. My heart skipped a beat. A present.. from THEM?!

I opened it curiously, it was a note...uh oh. I've seen this whole 'Note' things before with them. I read it.

'Y/n, happy birthday. we miss you dearly, we know how much you love Wilbur but would you come back and live with us? We still love you!'

I don't even think about it "I'm not going back there, it's just manipulative." Wilbur seemed relieved. "Thank god.." He placed a hand on his heart, he clearly didn't want me to be back with them. "Also y/n, we are going to a fancy restaurant at around 4:30 for your birthday dinner" He says, much more cheerfully now. "Okay! So I take it I have to dress up nice?" He nods and I go back to the living room.

"What was it?" Tommy asked as I sat down beside him. "My parents wanted me to move back with them.. they live 5 hours away from Wilbur.." I say, looking into his blue eyes. "Did you accept it?" He looks almost scared for my response. "Nope, it's horrible there, they just want an excuse to pick on me." He smiles and says "Come on, you just wanna be closer to where I live," He says jokingly. "Yeah no." I say, joking at the 'yeah' then going serious at the 'no'. He was holding in laughter before we both started laughing.

"We should go get ready for the dinner" I say, standing up and reaching my hand out. He grabs it and we walk hand in hand up the stairs to our room. I look in my suitcase for something fancy. I find it, I wanted to keep it a surprise for Tommy so I told him to leave once he got ready. Honestly he didn't take long, and he left, so quickly I didn't see what he was wearing.

I take the dress into the bathroom. I take a shower and get out, fixing my h/c hair into a tidy half up half down style. I slip on the black dress, it looked so pretty on me. I adjust the straps, then I walk out, slipping on my fancy shoes, which were by the door. They matched my outfit quite well. i just couldn't wear heels, so these will do.

I take the ring Tommy had got me and slip it on. It looked gorgeous, I looked gorgeous. I put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss and text Niki to come up into the room, alone of course. She walks in and her mouth drops. "Oh my god Y/n! You look beautiful!" Her dress was light pink and her hair was tidily down. She helps me put on the bracelet she bought me and we both walk downstairs. Everyone had seen her, but not me.

My heart was beating quite fast for some reason. I walk in the spare room to find my purse and hear "Wow Y/n!" i hear two voices say, completely in sync. I turn to see an amazed looking Toby and Ranboo staring at me. I smile and say "Thanks!".

I walk down the hall. I see Tommy, who turns around as he hears footsteps and his mouth drops, like literally to the floor. "Oh my god   y/n.. you look stunning" He says, he seems lost for words. I was amazed too, he was dressed up very nicely, I smile at him. He follows me to the living room, in hopes to help me find where i left my charger, where I find a bunch of boys in suits, Nick, Clay and George.

They all look over to me in astonishment. "Y/n! You never told me you could dress up!" Nick whines. "You're just jealous because I look better than you Nick" I say, sarcastically. George and Clay say in unison "You look really pretty y/n". I thank them and go searching for my charger in the kitchen. I find Minx and Wilbur there, Wilbur looks at me in shock while Minx says "Damn y/n, you look absolutely gorgeous". "You look very pretty yourself Minx" I say smiling. I turn to Wilbur, it was weird seeing him in a suit. "Wow y/n, my sister had fashion sense!" He says, rolling his eyes. "Woah! My brother knows how to match shirts and trousers!" I retort, seeing my charger. i just leave it there because there's no point now.

I find Tommy talking with Toby and Ranboo in the hallway, I didn't wanna interrupt so I lean against the wall outside the living room and kitchen. I went on my phone and saw that Niki tweeted a picture of me in my dress

^Insert Picture of you in your dress^
Y/n looking stunning on her 17th!

i reply to some of the comments :

She is very very pretty indeed :]
^ y/nsoot: thank you toby <3

yes, I'm still older than her hah. All jokes, i love her really, have a great day woman‼️❤️
^y/nsoot: you're barely older than me, but i love you too toms 💗

guys niki looks drop dead gorgeous too! also this isnt a very glamorous angle of me niki, i'm offended.
^Nihachu: shut up y/n, you look prettier than me.
^y/nsoot: watch yourself there niki, i don't think you meant the last sentence. we both are gorgeous gals !

I start giggling and the boys must have noticed me. They go on their phones and next thing you know Tommy walks up to me "Y/n." i look up to him, he was very close. "what do you mean it wasn't a good angle? you look stunning," he says, looking into my eyes. he smirks at my red face, i try to hide it but he pulls my hands away. "Tommyyyy," I whine, laughing. "You. Are. Gorgeous." He says, giving me a kiss. I silently mutter "that was scary," jokingly, under my breathe as he walks away.

Next chapter will be the dinner!!

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