the universe

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hallelujah (acoustic version) - oh wonder


El loved outer space. 

She loved the stars. She would lay outside late at night, staring up at the sky, attempting to count the stars. She would reach her finger out and close one eye, pretending to trace the constellations. 

She would steal Will's colored pencils and attempt to draw the sky, only to bring her works to Will and beg for help. He would eagerly take her less artistic trials, and use his skills to breathe life into the pictures. El would thank him a million times, before taping them to the ceiling above her bed. She liked to stare at something other than a bare wall. She had enough of that from before. 

El loved her new house for that exact reason. It was in the middle of absolutely nowhere. After she had gotten used to the extensive walk home from school, and the lack of neighbors to befriend, she realized the true beauty of their tiny, one-story home. The forest surrounding the house was lush and green, filled with chirping birds and small bunnies. Because there were no other neighbors, there was no excess light for miles. The night sky was in full view, and almost every star was visible. 

For some reason, El felt at home in the stars. 

When Mike finally came to visit for the weekend, El was ecstatic. She dragged him through the window and onto the roof, gesturing towards her small pile of blankets all laid out for them. 

"You've outdone yourself," Mike laughed, crawling over to his side of the blankets, "Now what did you want to show- wow." 

Mike cut himself off when he looked up to the sky. He could practically see the entire milky way. El smiled, turning her head to look over at Mike. She loved watching his eyes dance across the sky, taking it all in. She turned her attention back to the sky, which seemed even bigger tonight. Mike's hand found its way to hers, giving it a tight squeeze. They didn't even have to speak. 

Mike tilted his head to look at El. Her eyes were filled with wonder, the stars reflecting in them so perfectly. Mike tried not to shed a tear at her complete and utter beauty. Instead, he squeezed her hand again and looked back at the sky. 

El looked at all the constellations, mentally jumping from each star, taking the entire universe in all at once. She glanced back over at Mike, staring at the constellations of freckles across his face. She smiled, realizing why she liked the universe so much. Mike's freckles were exactly like the stars. He was exactly like the universe.

He was her universe. 

She sat up on one of her elbows, pulling her hand from his. 

"Hey," He said, sitting up to meet her. He gestured at her hand, his eyebrows raised as if asking why'd you take your hand away? 

"Mike," El said, her lips forming a small smile, "Can I tell you something?"

"Anything," He responded, scooting in closer to her. He leaned in as if trying to hear her better. His loose curls fell in front of his eyes, but he didn't dare move them. All his attention was on her. 

"Even if it's cheesy?" She asked, chewing on her lip. 

"You know I love cheese," Mike laughed. El threw her head back and laughed, then placed her chin in her hand and stared at Mike. 

"You're my whole universe, you know that right?"

El could see Mike blush under the moonlight. 

"Well, you're mine, El," Mike whispered back, reaching out to gently place his hand on her cheek. He pulled her towards him, their lips closing the gap between them. When they pulled apart, El rested her forehead on his. 

"I love you so much," Mike said, his fingers running through her hair. El smiled, and Mike could feel her forehead crinkle against his. He pulled slightly back, letting his eyes scan her face.

 He was overwhelmed by her beauty. The stars had nothing on her. She was the most beautiful girl to ever live, and he knew he was damn lucky to be able to love her. 

"I love you too," El said, laying back down on the roof. Mike followed suit, and the pair snuggled together. While El stared back at the sky, Mike kept his eyes on her. 

She was his everything. The way she laughed, the way she cried, the way her eyes lit up when she got excited about the shooting stars passing above them. 

She was his entire universe, 

and she always would be.


hey y'all! sorry that this chapter is short, but i thought it was super cute haha. anyways, thanks for reading and commenting, and voting!! <3

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