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The room was completely full. Every single chair was filled with some sort of agent, all waiting to hear this special briefing. All these agents were the highest-ranking, and they had all been relocated to Hawkins, Indiana. A low murmur filled the room until it was forced into silence by the sound of the door unlocking. Nervous glances were exchanged as a man walked into the room, his short white hair blowing in the breeze of the heavy air conditioner. 

He set a folder down on the table, slowly opening it and examining the first page. He switched the projector on, the machine humming to life and projecting onto one of the bare walls. The agents all stared, none of them daring to make a move. 

"My name is Dr. Brenner," The man started, sliding a photo of a baby under the monitor. The agents all looked from the screen to Brenner. One agent's leg bounced up and down in an anxious manner. 

"First, I would like to that you all for moving out here on such short notice. You will help us a great deal," Brenner said, his voice lacking all emotion. He continued, "See this baby?" 

A few agents nodded and he took that as a sign to continue. 

"This baby girl... She is our future."

He took a pause and scanned the room. A smile started to grow on his face. 

"This girl, is very special. If we did our jobs right, which I know we did, this girl can shape the world."

He then slid a new photograph under the projector. On the bare wall flashed a photo of the same baby girl, but she was staring at a floating block. The agents looked around, puzzled. 

"This girl is capable of extraordinary things," He said, pointing to the floating block, "Telekinesis."

He watched as the agent's eyes grew wide. He couldn't quite read their emotions. Was it fear? Was it shock? Was it anger? Remorse? Doubt? He would never know. He continued. 

"Hopefully through our assistance, she will gain other skills, such as telepathy and mind control. However, this is where you all come in," Brenner continues, sliding a new photo on the screen. 

The new photo was of the baby, but very close up on her face. Her chubby little arm was raised next to her head, showing off a tattoo on her wrist. 011. 

"You have all been trained to disarm, hurt, and even kill. Is that right?" 

The room nodded simultaneously. Brenner's smile grew wide, his eyes full of malice.  

"Good. We are going to do the same, but with her. Eleven. We must make her into the machine I know she is capable of being. She must never see another child. She must only work with you agents, from which she will learn fighting techniques and skills."

Brenner pauses for a brief second in an attempt to contain his excitement. 

"Eleven will be able to shape the century. The world will remember her. She will be the personal hitman of the United States of America. " 


Her fingers twitch, sending an invisible shock wave through the air. A crack echoes throughout the vast room, and the man drops to the floor. The silence that follows is brief, as screams begin to fill the room. 

She swiftly turns for the door, a concerned expression painted across her face. Her ballet flats click against the marble as she pushes open the door, running into the main hall of the building. She forces out the tears, feeling them pour out in thick, hot drops on her cheeks. She reaches up and grabs the hand of the man who's been following her this whole time. 

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