ch. 8

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Rosalies pov.

I have been secretly following Edward because i can't let him hurt Elizabeth or bella.  When i over heard him talking to rennee and telling her that if she helped him Annabelle would be out of bella's life as she would do anything to get Elizabeth back and i knew i had to tell bella and her family so i ran. To there house. When i get there i knock on the door and bella answers " rose what are you doing here " bella asks " is your father and sister here "i ask. " is it important because they are busy trying to teach Elizabeth the basics In controlling her magic." Bella says " yes it is" i say " ok come on in i will be right back" bella says. When bella comes back with her father and sister" Edward made a deal with renee we don't have time before she finds a way to get Elizabeth he wants to use her to get bella to do whatever he wants and then get annabelle but i don't understand why is he doing this" i ask " Evelyn Christian winters was our my niece she was also Edwards mate she was visiting bella and Annabelle. I don't know what happened but she never made it " Charlie says " i was at a friend's house and when i got back bella had ran out of the house and far away when i went in i saw mom and phil. Yelling at each other and Edward came in " Annabelle says " chis and phil were going to rape me And Evelyn saved me in return phil killed her and threatened me mom came home nd saw everything and i took the chance to run. When i got back mom and phil said that Annabelle was to blame and that they told Edward" bella says " why would he say anna was his. "  i ask " mates. Our mates are our life line if he takes me the kings will kill him but if he uses bella's shield against aro's gift he can get the uper hand and kill them " Annabelle says " except when i hard you were marrying the kings i did a spell so i can't use my shield on the kings unless they give me permission" bella says" Edward is not someone you mess with if you aren't useful he will kill you" Annabelle says " Evelyn was killed in my room and i had put cameras in my room so i could have evidence if i ever went to the police can't we show Edward the video " bella asks " he is after Elizabeth right know " Charlie says " rose do you think you can get Elizabeth somewhere safe while i distract Edward" bella asks " i can take her to Texas with charlet and Peter they hate Edward" i say " dad get mom and arrest her go up in my room and get my laptop there's a file labelled e.m.r she really wasn't that smart talking to phil in my room while i wasn't home i have video of her telling him to do something to me when Annabelle went to her friends i couldn't go to the police because there was no evidence of the times she saved me and i got hurt and i didn't want her to get arrested" Bella says " ok and i will make sure Annabelle dosen't get blamed" Charlie says " ok you go get Elizabeth i am heading over to your house " bella says " she's in her playroom next to her room" Annabelle says and she runs up and gets Elizabeth" mommy" Elizabeth says when she comes down "Elizabeth baby you are going with rose she's going to drop you off at a friend of hers. For your safety " bella says " no mommy" Elizabeth says "sorry princess it's for your safety but i will have your aunt call your uncle's so they can pick you up and you can spend time with your cusin's " bella says " how about they go with you Elizabeth"Annabelle says " ok " Elizabeth says. And with a wave of bella's hand Elizabeth's bag comes down all packed and annbelle went to get the twins. When they get back i picked Elizabeth and the twins up and start running.

Bella's pov.

After rose left i went to the Cullens house. When i get there every on except. rose was in the living room " Edward Cullen what is wrong with you going to my mom and planning on takeing Elizabeth from me " i say " bella i am not doing that " Edward says " don't try to lie Elizabeth is my everything and i know you did exactly that as i have had my brother in law's keep an eye on you and well aro was nice enough to have a guard follow you around tapeing everything you do and i saw it " i say " bella he's lieing why would i do that when your my mate " Edward says " Edward do you know an Evelyn winters" i ask " what dose she have to do us and anyway your sister killed her " Edward says " she's my cusin so i know for afact you are lieing to me and i got a conformation when i meet my brothers in law's she was your mate and my sister did not kill her i should i was in the same room and watched her die my step father phil did all because she tried to save me." I say. " you are lieing you sister killed Evelyn" Edward says" why would my sister kill her she loved Evelyn like a sister you are just because Evelyn rejected you because my sister helped her get back together with her ex and she would rather be with girl then you " i say " you are wrong " Edward says " oh face it Edward Evelyn may have bisexual but she always leand more towards girls " i say " you are wrong she loved me" Edward says and i get out my phone and played the video then left the Cullens house.

Emmett's pov.

Watching bella confront Edward was awesome but now that i know he tried to take Elizabeth i was angry bella is mine and rose's mate which means Elizabeth is like my daughter" really Edward what were thinking going after a two year" jasper says " she's out of control" Edward says " bella is not out of control her sister here and she wants to spend time with her before she gose back to italy just because she won't wear the clothes you and alice picked dosent mean anything she has a family tradition and she keeps it so what" esme says " ya and i Swear if you or alice try to touch even a hair on Elizabeth i will kill you both " i say " Carlisle wouldn't let you " alice says " oh i will bella and her sister told us everything and i know you know about there little vist from our minds and you know we know the truth so if you do something to Elizabeth i Will help rose and emmett Elizabeth is a sweet kid and she needs her mother" Carlisle says " although truth is the volturi might just get to you two first as you wanted bella's sister for yourself tell me why would you want her if you believe she killed your mate. " jasper says " she is mine and i will have what i want and that's final." Edward says and leaves with alice " i am glad we agreed to join the volturi but how long do we have to wait" i say " aro has all the evidence but Edward has Tanya and a few of our other friends on his side we have to be patient" Carlisle says " bella will gone for a few weeks and i don't like the idea that she will have to be away from us " i say "she's a princess she needs to this anyway aren't you and rose doing a ritual to adopt Elizabeth" esme says " yes and that needs to done before she leaves but rose had to take Elizabeth to Texas for her safety so that might not happen " emmett says. " i thought she has separation anxiety" jasper says " oh i do but i had to do this i just came over because being with emmett or rose will help me a little bit " bella says sitting on my lap" that's fine Edward and alice will gone to for a few days so you can just stay here" esme says " thanks " bella says just as rose walks in and bella gose to move only for to stop her " bella stay there i was going to talk to your sister she was just worried about you said the separation from Elizabeth was getting to you" rose says " it is but i know it needs be done oh and aro says we can do the ritual in italy that way it wont be interrupted and my grandparents might try to get us to have sex usaly after you meet your mates you have three kids in less then two years it's reached the 2 year mark and my grandparents want Me to have more kids" bella says " aren't you to young" esme asks " in my family age dosent matter if i am old enough to become an official princess i am old. Enough to have three kids " bella says " what about your sister she only has two " rose asks " oh she was also hassled it stoped since she's pregnant really i just want time to heal before i deal with another hybrid pregnancy i still have bruses from Elizabeth " bella says " although i would like have baby ki do believe we should wait " rose says " ya lets just hope my grandparents don't get desperate. Because they have a really nasty spell and they aren't afraid to use it they tried on Annabelle and well lets just say it works " bella says " do you really think will try that with Edward and alice still around " Carlisle asks " oh they would and they would lock me in the castle until i give birth and have the kids stay there they might have been undesided about letting Elizabeth be a princess but after they found out my plan they allowed it Elizabeth won't be known as a princess until the ritual then she will be in line to become an official princess" i say " so marriage dosn't matter to them " Carlisle asks " if we all waited for marriage we wouldn't have a big family we need a big family because we have alot of responsibilities as a royal family one of which being in order to take over as king or queen you have to have at least 4 kids if you have met your mates dad can't have anymore kids thanks to mom so he was given an exseption and took over as king but my grandparents are still the higher up in my family so what they say gose so if they are that despret and they do order that i would have to stay there but as i have Been through alot they might not want to rush me expessaly knowing that Elizabeth is in need of having a spell put on her so she can be safe " bella says and rose leaves and i take bella upto mine and rose's room so she can get some much needed sleep.

A/n: i thank you all for your suggestions on how to finish this chapter but i liked the idea of useing Edwards weakness so did Edward is trobled in this because his mate did reject him for her ex and that's his biggest weekness in the book it also explains a little bit about the story of Edwards mate with out getting fully into his thought process yet i would like to give a shout out to the person that gave me the idea but as i am not really good at remembering screen names you can all look in the coments for the authors note to see who gave me the idea i thank all of my readers for likeing and wanting more chapter's

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