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Bella's pov.

After Anna sent destiny and Ella back to dad we both turn to the Cullen's "hello my name is annabelle Elizabeth swan volturi mate to the the three volturi king's and sister to Bella " I say  " how did you guys get here and Bella love your outfit but why are you guys matching" Alice says" we are imortal witch's my niece accidentally teleported Anna here and she can't teleport so I came to get her and as for matching it's a family thing" I say " mommy" Elizabeth cries so I turn around and find Elizabeth on the floor holding her ankle" sweetie what happened"I ask "I thought I saw someone watching us I got scared and my magic acted up " Elizabeth says " let me see baby girl" I say taking her ankle and looking at it  I can see it's broken and badly burnd "Anna do you have the ouitment Elizabeth started coming into her powers today so I didn't call Grandma yet" I say" always carry it around why what's wrong" Anna asks " her magic acted up and broke and burnd her ankle"I say and she hands me the ouitment and I put it on and picked her up while I used my magic to wrap her ankle up"what's going on and who's that"Esme asks"well this is Elizabeth Anabelle swan my daughter she just came into her magic so she doesn't have complete control over it yet and her magic will act up " I say" but she got hurt from it" Jasper asks" yes we all did uncontrollable magic is dangerous but we can't avoid the period between fist getting our magic and our first training that's because our body needs two days to get used to having magic injuries like Elizabeth's is commen exspesally the burns that's what the ouitments for it useses family blood to counter act the magic that made the injuries she'll be up and running in a day or two depending on how bad the injuries are" Anna says" she'll be fine in three days" I say " wait it's that bad " Anna says" her leg twisted all the way around her magic had to move it in the correct place before I could do anything" I say " oh yeah that's going to take three days" Anna says" ok can we get this over with I have plans at 7 " I say" yes of course  Carlisle can you take some blood from Elizabeth please" Anna says "yes of course just let me get my medical bag" Carlisle says leaving"well we are going hunting"Alice and Jasper says "we will join you guys" Rosalie and Emmett says"and they leave" you want me to hold her for a little bit she must be getting heavy" Esme asks me" no thanks I am used to it" I say " after my great great great great aunt was kidnapped my family put a spell on all of us to insure we could always find our children a side effect of the spell is that the mother has separation anxiety so we tend to carry our children until there five after we calm down a little and don't get anxious when they aren't around us " Anna says" I just learned to control it a little" I say " why do you need Elizabeth's blood" Esme asks" we believe Elizabeth is part vampire luckily our witching blood slows there ageing to normal human children but they tend to be smarter than others there age"Anna says"how is that possible"Carlisle asks"your guys sperm and eggs don't freeze during the transformation so you guys can have kids just not carry them unless you have a witch with a spell to  temperaly in freeze your reproductive organs" Anna says"so rose can still have children" Carlisle says" oh she will have lots of children since she's also my mate it's normal for my family to have close to 300 children after finding there mate's but Elizabeth and I are the only children to my father and mother because my mother left and married a human but my father will get another mate since we took our mothers magic for trying to take Anna's and give them to me" I say "why would she do that" Esme asks" our mother believes late bloomers are weak we usually get our magic at the age of 11, our mother didn't like me because I was early bloomer and in her eyes i was stronger than her so when Bella didn't receive her magic by the age of 11 she tried to give her my magic so she wouldn't be weak in reality she's wrong late bloomers have enough time for there body and magical core to get used to working together in turn they don't have the uncontrollable magic problem like everyone else" Anna says" we tend to be able to control our magic because our body and magical core has more time before we are able to use magic. Early bloomers like Elizabeth and Anna have it worse because there body doesn't have a lot of time to get used to working with there magical core so uncontrollable magic will definitely happen just regular bloomers don't have that bad uncontrollable magic and they tend not to be injured alot" I say " our family has ether early bloomers or late bloomers our mother was the only regular bloomer so we just pay close attention to our children."Anna says"so what are your children Anna" Esme asks " early bloomers like me" Anna says" I was a late bloomer I didn't come into my Powers until the age of 17" bella say "is that why the others told use you haven't been in school for 2 weeks I asked your father and he said you were visiting your grandparents" Carlisle says" yes that's why my aunt takes to teaching kids how to control there magic and while we late bloomers have enough control we like to learn magic to be prepared the first sign of magic was the accident if Edward was paying attention the van was slowly coming to a stop and no human would have known I stopped it but Edward just had to be a hero and destracted me " I say" Jane and Alec tought my children how to control there magic" Anna says"so Elizabeth will be going to your aunt " Esme asks" nope aro and the others don't expect me back in Italy until the party so I will be teaching Elizabeth control " Anna says" I thought you would be going back for the birth " I say " how far along so you think I am " Anna asks " you look 8 months along" I say " bells I am only 6 months along with triplets" Anna says" sorry my bad " I say" it's okay but I will tell you this if you get pregnant again hope it's only one child" Anna says" why did you say that" Carlisle asks " this is why" I say lifting up my shirt part vampire baby's have vampire strength  and leaves bruises some times they kick in the same place and it leaves a nasty bruse that magic can't heal and can take a year or two  to heal it was alot worse then this after I had Elizabeth" I say " after having twins when I found out I was pregnant I was hoping to only have one child because after the twins were born my stomach  looked so bad the doctor thought the king's where beating me but the babies get a little bit of strength from us also"Anna says"how bad is it" Carlisle asks"well I will show you how it is know and I still have a few months to go" Anna says lifting her shirt up " wow dose it hurt" Esme asks"just having one hurt I don't want to imagine having more than one" I say" you wouldn't want more than one it doubles in pain sometimes tribles in pain" Anna says" how would you know" I ask "our sisters bond I felt every time you were in pain the only reason you can't feel when I am in pain is because I am blocking my pain from you"Anna says" oh I forgot about that"I say " I figured now Carlisle are you done with the blood" Anna says"are you ok you look like you're in pain" Esme asks" ya there just kicking I am used to it " Anna says" yes I am done Bella would you know why it's hard to find Elizabeth's vains " Carlisle says" it's normal when you first come into your magic the nurse had trouble finding my vain after the accident for some reason they checked mine and Tylers blood " I say "forks hospital dose that when car accidents happen but you shouldn't have needed it because you weren't in a car you were standing next to it" Carlisle says " I told them that my dad wasn't happy that they took blood after I told them I was not in a car and had to stop the testing as I had just come into my magic and it would have showed up on the test" I say" makes sense to me but how come it doesn't show up after because during your birthday I tested your blood I was curious on why your blood looked like it had small flecks of blood but the tests were normal" Carlisle says" our magic blends in with our blood after a couple of days it wouldn't of showed up the only difference might be a higher count of red and white blood cells" Anna says" that was definitely different with Bella "Carlisle says as Anna dose the spell" Chris must have been a witch that kept his powers after being turned but there's something else" Anna says" what" I ask" Chris was a spirit talker "Anna says"what does that mean"Carlisle asks"spirit talkers are witch's that don't need a spell to talk to spirits and has strict rules one being not to rape someone that's punishable by loseing your family's ability but in this case the spirit made Elizabeth into a spirit witch it means she has spirit magic as well as royal magic" Anna says " so Elizabeth is a half vampire royal spirit witch just like  great great grandma Emily" I say" yes and since spirit witch's are only made when a spirit talker rapes a royal witch it's really rare and Elizabeth could be in serious danger if we don't do something" Anna says"after the party we all have to call the family spirits and ask them to but a strong protection around Elizabeth so no one will know just by looking at her" I say" yes luckily she came into her magic today so we can wait till after the party."Anna says"thanks for your help Carlisle please be careful thinking about Elizabeth while Edward is around every one in forks to think she's my sister"I say as we telport back to Dad's house.

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