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After we ate we went to the mall bought Bella some new clothes that dad offered to keep in his closest. And we also got dad some new clothes we also got the kids some new clothes for when they are with or without us. And we got some other things. the kids found a pretty teara at a jewelry store so I bought three of them and had them put in a different bag I even got two for bella and I for the party. I got everyone a necklace with our names engraved on it well dad got a bracelet with all our names and birthstones on it. He loves it. After the mall we went to the a dealer ship and walked around I found a nice car and asked dad if I got it if I could keep it at his house he said yes so I got it dad got a black Ford SUV I had to fight with him to get a newer model but he finally agreed . Bella got a black BMW also the newest model we had them all delivered to the house. And we went home. "Well that was actually fun " dad says" yes it was but I am pretty tired so I am going to steal your room while i am here dad" I say " hey why can't you take Bella's room" dad says" your bed's comfortable and bigger" I say" were am I going to sleep" dad says " couch oh and have fun with getting comfortable with your grandbabies " i say


After Anna went to bed I got the kids ready for bed and went down stairs" dad you can have my room I will sleep with the kids" I say" thanks bells " dad says getting up and going to bed while I head up to Elizabeth's room to head to sleep.

(Next day)

I woke up at 7 got dressed and went to make breakfast then get Elizabeth ready for preschool. " Good morning Bella" Anna says"morning dad left already and I will be leaving in a little bit for school and drop Elizabeth off at preschool" I say" dosen't dad usually take her" Anna asks" ya but he's been really busy lately so I have to take her can I use your car today" I ask" ya sure our new cars should be here today and I am just going to teach the twins some magic" Anna says " thanks Anna see you later" I say as I left with Elizabeth. When I get to school every one was looking at me because I am driving a different car. I just ignore all the looks and go to first class.

(After school)

The school day went the same as everyday I sat with my friends at lunch we talked then I went to class when the bell rang right now I am about to get into the car to pick Elizabeth up" hey Bella I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight " Jessica says" sure I would love to what time" I ask" how about I pick you up at 7 " Jessica says " great see you then " I say" oh and nice car when did you get it" Jessica says" actually this is my older sister's car she came down for a visit I have to pick up Elizabeth today so she let me borrow it" I say" cool have fun with your baby sister" Jessica says" I will see you tonight" I say getting into the car and head to go pick Elizabeth up from preschool.


It's been a couple of months since we left Bella and non of us been the same Alice doesn't shop anymore,esme dosen't garden anymore,carlisle just works,jasper just stays with Alice and Rosalie and I just stay in our room we all feel like something is missing but Rosalie and I feel like there's a big whole where Bella should be. We all miss Bella but what makes it worse is that we didn't even want to leave we were forced to agree with Edward. " Hey Emmett what are you thinking about" Rosalie asks" I was thinking about the day we left rose something is going on I know for a fact non of us wanted to leave except for Edward" I say " I know I felt that for awhile I never hated Bella but for some reason I start to act like a total bitch around her when I never wanted to" rose says" I know and the dramatic change in Bella's wardrobe after the first day of school it makes no sense to me" I say" I noticed that to she wore a solid color dress with matching leggings and heels on the first day she looked happy also then the next day she's in jeans and a hoodie with sneakers and looked confused and mad " rose says " I wish we knew why we are missing Bella alot more than the others it's like a really bad pain  that started when we drove out of forks." I say" I feel the same I also know that Bella isn't actually human have you noticed that day James bit her she was in pain but she wasn't changing then when Edward started sucking the venom out she was trying to get him off of her. " Rose says" I noticed it when Edward saved Bella from the van  before Edward got to her the van was slowing to a stop and Bella had her hands Infront of her focusing on the van until Edward forced her to lose focus" I say" i also saw her disappear and reappear two seconds later during the prom." Rose says" and when she came back she looked like she didn't need that boot on anymore" I say " she definitely isn't human and Edward is absolutely behind this mess but how do we stop him" rose asks" I might be able to help." Someone says"how did you get here and past the others and who are you" I ask " my name is Annabelle Elizabeth swan volturi I am Isabella's older sister and we are both immortal witch's and my daughter teleported me here by accident. Edward Cullen came after me first tried to fool me into thinking he was my mate but I already found my mates so it didn't work one day he followed me to my mother's house and saw Isabella she was yet to come into her powers so she was an easy target but Edward doesn't know what we are he has another gift that allows him to control people's mind and body he has been using it on all of you the reason you feel worse than everyone else is because you both are Isabella's mates I can break a little bit of the connection between you guys and Edward but that's all or Edward would know something is wrong" Annabelle says" how do we know you are telling the truth " I ask " because she is my older sister and Edward always got in the way when ever I was trying to use my magic and he forced Alice to destroy all my old clothes after the first day of school" Bella says showing up right next to Annabelle with a three year old in her arms

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