Chapter 10: Betrayal

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Draco awoke before the sun rose and made his bed for what he hoped would be the last time. His hands shook slightly as he dressed, and he tried to relax them to no avail.

He was to meet with the patrolling Death Eaters and once they had rounded up that day's catch of people, get a hold of Theo and apparate to his mother's home without the Death Eaters being any the wiser. He had not been there in several years, and he hoped he could remember the location correctly. The thought of seeing Narcissa again made his heart jump, and he combed his hair out of his face as he stared into the mirror, taking in his reflection.

He needed a haircut badly, as well as a good night's rest. His eyes had light purple bruising near the corners, and his lips were cracked, his skin an ashen grey. He scoffed at his reflection. How far the mighty have fallen.

Draco glanced briefly at his closet, trying to decide whether he should bring anything with him, deciding ultimately against it. No need to bring anymore suspicion to himself then necessary.

With one last look around his bedroom, Draco took a deep breath, taking in the details of his posh life that he had taken for granted. The dark, satin canopy, silk grey sheets on his bed, the piles of books neatly organized by author lining his wall. He knew he would never see it again, probably never be this comfortable again, once he left the safety of his father. While he had never really enjoyed his existence in the manor, he had never wanted for anything. All his necessary means for reality had been met. The daunting thought of the unknown dangers and possibilities looped constantly around him. where would he sleep, what would he eat, what could he do.

Draco had felt powerless ever since 6th year, the feeling of uncertainty not exactly new to him, but the fear? That was a new feeling. An unwelcome one.

But the thought of her, with her big eyes and know-it-all stance was enough to get him to leave his bedroom and shut the door without another glance.

This is preposterous. He scoffed to himself. He barely knew her, yet he was willing to give up everything to insure she did not end up like Maisie or Penelope.

As he walked down the marble steps, he could hear his father talking lowly, and as he rounded the corner he spotted Lucius and Theo standing in the foyer. Theo was dressed in a dark sweater and slacks, hands tucked into his pocket and a pendant dangling from his neck. Draco studied it as he approached, nodding to his father before glancing back at Theo's chest. He felt like he recognized it before, like he had seen it on the neck of a girl.

"Ready?" Theo winked. "August is getting impatient."

"Who are we looking for?" Draco asked, holding his breath and silently hoping it was a name he did not recognize.

"Luna Lovegood, perhaps you remember her," Lucius replied, passing a rolled up piece of parchment to Theo. "We've learned from our informant that they are starting to move. There were more people beneath the Lovegood property than we originally thought, and Luna will be moving more of them tonight. Where to, we are not sure."

Draco and Theo nodded in unison, and followed Lucius out into the front of the manor. The air was chilled, the dark clouds reflecting the anger Draco felt and he shook himself.

If he would have told his 2nd year self that he was going to betray his father and the Malfoy name for the sake of muggleborns, he would have laughed in his face; yet here he was.

Augustus sat cross-legged in the grass; his head bent upwards towards the sky. Luscious clicked his teeth, and Augustus sprang to his feet, brushing his pants off and grinned.

"Finally, lets go." He sniffed, and his right eye twitched as he took his wand out of his pants. Draco wrinkled his nose as he walked closer to Augustus, the smell of spoiled milk wafting from the man. Theo stood next to Draco, leaning over near his face and put his finger to his nose, pressing against the nostril as he sniffed. "Drugs." Theo said, wiggling his eyebrows as he took out his wand.

The two boys placed their hands on Augustus shoulders, and Lucius folded his arms, nose high in the air.

"Do be swift about it." He said, and Draco looked at his father, hoping this would be the last time they spoke. "I have customers who are rather impatient."


Draco and Theo landed on their feet while Augustus fell flat onto his back. The smell of smoke was strong, and Draco looked around to find himself in a large, empty field. A few yards in front of him there was a pile of ash, and he took a breath as he pulled his wand from his jacket. Theo began to walk forward, not even bothering to acknowledge Augustus panting on the floor, and Draco scampered to catch up with him.

"Fucking meth head," Theo mumbled, and caught Draco looking at his pendant. "It's from Pansy." He held up the necklace, and Draco suddenly remembered where he had seen it before; around Pansy's neck as he undid her blouse back in 6th year. He shook his head to clear the memory, and nodded at Theo.

"Ah, I see."

"It's for good luck."

"I see."

The boys reached the pile of ash and stopped, allowing Augustus to catch up with them. Draco could feel the protective wards surrounding the pile, and squinted his eyes as he looked for a trap door or opening.

"Alright, how do we open it?" Theo asked, looking at Augustus with disdain. Augustus swayed slightly, holding his wand into the air.

"We's got a jinx on it." "Augustus said, swaying slightly once more. "If we all use an alohomora, it should weaken it enough that a confringo should do the trick."

A sudden wave of pressure hit Draco that he nearly keeled over, gripping his wand tightly, pressing his other hand to his forehead. Visions of Theo and Draco in 3rd year flashed in his mind, and he gasped. They were stupefying a bird in the courtyard of Hogwarts, and Blaise yelled at them to stop. The memory stopped then started over, and Draco felt his breathing speed up, and he looked at Theo.

The tall boy stood as if he did not notice Draco's sudden outburst, but he stared right at him, piercing into his eyes.

"You alright mate?" He asked casually, his eyes unwavering and suddenly Draco understood.

He nodded and gulped, straightening his back, and the presence of the memory faded from his mind as Theo's legitimacy spell withdrew from Draco's head.

"You boys ready?" Augustus said, wand high, and the two boys nodded. At the same moment, they all shouted "Alohomora!" and Draco looked wildly at Theo. Theo shook his head, his mouth in a fine line as Augustus pointed his wand at the floor and shouted "Confringo!"

The ash pulsated and erupted, a gaping hole appearing in the floor, and a collective murmur of gasps could be heard from below.

In astonishing speed, Draco watched as Theo turned to Augustus, wand high, and smirked, glancing at Draco with a quick nod.


Augustus dropped, his head hitting the ground with a harsh thunk. Theo ran towards him, picking up his wand and tucking it into his belt against his back.

"I hope that kills him." He said, walking past Draco, peering into the mouth of the hole. "Alright, now for the hard part."

"That wasn't the hard part?" Draco scoffed, standing beside Theo and looking into the hole. Theo shrugged.

"We have to convince them you're on their side now." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

Draco swore under his breath. That was most definitely, going to be difficult

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