Chapter 23: Ruin

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Draco could nearly feel Theo's eyes boring into him as they ran, skidding at a turn. Grabbing onto his shoulder, he yanked Draco around, caging in his face so that he had no choice but to stare straight ahead.

"She will never forgive you," Theo spat, his voice sharp.

Draco knew he was right.

Of course he was. It still stung to hear it being said out loud.

If life had been kinder, if Draco had not been born to blood purists who chose a skin-headed monster over their son, perhaps Hermione could move past the edge in his manners. In that life, she might have been able to roll her eyes at his melancholic outlook, be friends in their time at Hogwarts, and maybe, let him love her.

Life had not been kind.

"I know," Draco replied, shoving Theo off. "But she'll be alive."

The two boys stared at each other before turning away, continuing their assault down the hall. They flung open the doors to the Grand ballroom, skidding to a halt.

He felt nauseous, the repercussions of his quick-minded actions catching up with him, nearly doubling as he drinks in the sight before him.

Kneeling on the marble floor, Hannah's bottom lip was split and Narcissa gave the two boys weary looks. Beside her, Blaise's eyes were cemented to the floor before him, Andriginous standing closely behind him with his wand to their backs. Tears streamed down Blaise's face, his fists clenched as he stared at the blonde witch laid out before him
Glancing up at them, Luna laid on the floor, her chest pressed to the ground, and when she sat up, her right hand was holding her severed left hand.

She cracked a smile.

Draco couldn't remember to breathe.

He wondered if Hermione had any knowledge of replacing severed limbs. If she did, he'd pay her anything she wanted, as long as she could fix the broken witch before him, for the sake of his broken friend. Blaise looked ready to commit to every Unforgivable known to Wizarding kind. Glancing between Luna and Draco, his eyes grew dark, and he flexed his fists once more.

"Look at this mess..." Lucius sneered, revealing himself from behind Andriginous. "...that you have caused me." Straightening his back, the elder Malfoy cocked his head to the side, giving them the once over as he stretched out his hand.


Draco grinds his teeth, reluctantly handing his wand into his fathers hand, Theo doing the same at his side. Pushed at the back, the two boys landed on their knees as Andriginous stuck his wand to their hands, muttering a spell under his breath and ropes tied around their wrists and ankles.

"You've been ruining a very lucrative business for me Draco," Lucius muttered, beginning to pace. "However, I understand it isn't your fault." He turned his attention to Narcissa, bending down so he's level with her face. "It's nearly impossible to say no to such a lovely flower."

The sound of a crack echoed across the tiles as his hand slapped hard across her cheek. Narcissa fell backward from the impact, landing on her side in a daze as Lucius straightened. "Almost, but not impossible."

"Stop it," Draco demanded, voice stronger than he felt. "Just stop. Haven't you done enough? Don't you have enough?"

Rounding on him, Lucius grabbed the back of his neck harshly, dragging his face forward so that their faces were just breaths apart. His fathers eyes bore into him, dark grey pools icy with hate. "Not even close."

Shoving his face down, Draco let out a groan as his face hit the tiles, white hot pain flashing behind his eyes. Warm liquid oozed down his nose, past his lips, staining his teeth and he bit down on his tongue.

"Lucius, please!" Narcissa cried, and Draco grasped at his newly broken nose, sitting up on the back of his legs. "He's your son, our son."

"He stopped being my son the moment he chose your pathetic cause over his blood!" Lucius spat back.

Draco glanced at Androginous, his harsh features tightened as he slowly walked around the beaten group, his wand held tightly in his hand, and Lucius spun the two wands in his grip lazily.

"Damn, you really are just a lap dog, aren't you?" Theo laughed, and Draco shot him a warning look.
Androginous rounded on his son, pointing his wand at Theo's chest.

He's giving you an opening. Use it.

Draco searched wildly for the voice, looking at his mother with wide eyes. She didn't catch his gaze, and he turned his eyes to Luna, her right hand still clutching her severed limb, and she gave him the briefest of nods.

"Don't kid yourself, son," Androginous sneered. "You're just like me. Crucio."

In times of chaos, people tended to think time moved slowly; like everything paused, the world held its breath as the madness unfolded. But it didn't; if anything, time sped up.

The moment the spell hit Theo's chest, Draco launched himself at his father, using his shoulder to barrel into his chest, knocking them both over. Dropping her hand, Luna scrambled to them, grabbing the dropped wands. She aimed Theo's wand at Androginous, Stupefy leaving her mouth. The elder Nott fell over as the younger lightly thrashed on the floor.

Blaise was by Draco in an instant, his arms still tied but legs free, and delivered a smooth kick to Lucius' gut. Lucius coughed hard, and Draco stamped his heel hard onto his father's hand. The sound of cracking bones vibrated under his foot and Lucius screamed, the scream turning into a cough as Blaise sent another harsh kick. Set free by Luna, Narcissa kneeled by her husband and shoved him onto his back, digging into his coat and pulling out her wand.

"Greyback isn't far behind," Draco breathed, gripping his wand as he whirls around, scanning the room. "Where are the others?"

"We were able to Apparate most of them away," Narcissa replied, kneeling behind Hannah and removing her binds. "We were...interrupted."

"We need to go," Blaise intervened, holding Luna to him. She seemed dazed, clutching her severed limb to her chest stiffly, eyes staring emptily at the group of them. "We don't want the wound to get infected."

"Don't worry," Luna hummed, pressing into his side. "I'm sure we can fix it."

Draco grimaced, but said nothing, leaning over to check that Theo was still breathing. He shook his shoulder, and Theo cracked open an eye, letting out a cough before rolling to his side. Helping him sit up, Draco tightened his fingers before turning to look at his father.

"This ends here and now," Draco announced. Lucius stared up at him, venom written into the fabric of his expression. "You're going to Azkaban, and you'll never see the light of day again."

"Blaise, take them back," Narcissa demanded, gesturing to Hannah and Luna. "We'll finish this up.
Dragging Luna to Hannah, he gripped both girls by their elbows lightly.

"Wait, where's Ron?" Hannah asked, stretching her neck in hopes of spotting her old classmate, and Draco instantly felt ill.

With a crack, Blaise Disapparated them away before she could get an answer, an act Draco felt slight relief at. Standing shakily, Theo gave him a raised brow, and conjured his wand back into his hand.
With a look of malice, Theo leaned over his father's deadpan expression.

"I could kill you," he whispered, voice tight. "I should kill you. I need to kill you."

Gently, Narcissa placed a hand on his shoulder with a shake of her head. Flicking her wand, she tied both Andrigonous and Lucius together, their backs pressed to each other, and kneels down in front of her husband. Eyes wet, she smiled at him, her head bent to the side as if seeing him with fresh eyes.

"You ruined me, Lucius," she laughed softly. "We could've had everything, and you ruined it."

Standing, she gave the mansion she called home for so many years one last look as she raised her wand.

"Now, you'll watch as I ruin you." Swishing her wand, fire sprouted from the tip and enveloped the curtains adorning the wall in slow flames. Slowly moving, the flames lick their way to the ceiling, the red & blue colors eating the history of Manor Malfoy away.

Draco watched in awe as Narcissa held her hands out to the two boys. "Let's go home."

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