Chapter 21: How They Left, Stays

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Thank you all for your patience with this fic! I'm finally settled and back in the country, so I was able to sit and write! As always, thanks to my beta xonceuponatimex.wp! Hope y'all enjoy ;)

Draco wished he could lock Hermione in his room until the night is over. At least then he would know she'd be safe and away from the violence he was sure would ensue.

It was decided when Kelly didn't return that he must've been kidnapped as well. Draco couldn't decide how that made him feel. Upset? No, he hardly knew him, but worried? Yes.

"I cannot stress this enough," Narcissa said, looking over the group of teenagers. "They will hurt you if they can. Do not give them the opportunity to do so."
Hermione was fidgeting next to Pansy, her curls bushy in comparison to Pansy's sleek bob. They looked like the most unlikely of friends, and Draco couldn't help but snicker at the unusual sight in front of him.

Slytherins and Gryffindors working together. The audacity.

"Is everyone ready?"

He didn't know who said it, but the atmosphere in the room shifted and suddenly, the tension of nerves was thick, fear painted on everyone's face. Ron and Neville silently moved beside Narcissa, placing their hands on her shoulders lightly. Theo leaned next to Pansy, pressing his forehead to hers for a brief moment before he pulled away, his expression cheery as he gave her a smile, but Draco knew it was a facade.

Sauntering beside him, Theo grabbed his arm, nodding once, and Ginny reluctantly did the same.

"This doesn't change anything, Malfoy," she grumbled, and Draco rolled his eyes.
Shifting, Draco turned his head and watched as his mother Disapparated from the empty space in their living room, making his pulse quicken.

"Draco!" Hermione called as she ran in his arms, those bush curls crowding his eyes. "Come back. Please. Please come back."

"I'll bring him back, don't you worry," Theo chuckled, and Draco tightened his free arm around her.

"You've become quite important to me, Granger," he whispered into her hair. "More than I could have predicted."

She let him go, a sobbing noise escaped from her throat, and he looked away so he didn't have to see her tears. "Ready?"

Holding his breath, Draco Dispparated.


Ginny practically landed atop him, quickly shoveling off of him as soon as she regained her balance. The sky was an inky black, and Draco stood slowly, his wand at the ready as he glanced around.

"Boys, here," his mother whispered in the dark from his left, and quietly the three of them moved toward the sound. A dim glow sat right above the ground, which came from Neville's wand, illuminating all of their faces. "We're just waiting on Luna and Hannah."

"We're here."

Draco nearly jumped as Luna's wispy voice spoke from behind his left side, and he shot her a glare.
Hannah leaned forward, her hair tied so tightly to her scalp he wondered if it ached from the tension.

"Let's go. What are we waiting for?" she barked.
Narcissa held up a finger. "We need to wait for Blaise's signal," she whispered back. "Then Draco and Theo will show us the dungeons."

A spark shot in the air, but no sound emitted, and Draco took that as the signal. Silently, they all followed Narcissa, wands held out at the ready. A side door of the manor made of dark mahogany wood slowly appeared, and Draco made out Blaise with his own wand high. His face was stiff, and he was dressed as if he was preparing for some formal event. With no time for formalites, Blaise swung open the door, holding it open as they all filled in. Draco didn't miss the quick hand squeeze Luna gave his friend, a faint smile on her face that caused one to appear on Blaise's.

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