Chapter 26: Games

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Wow look at that, another chapter finally. Again, so sorry about the delay; hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years if you celebrate!
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Hermione keeps her hand tight in Draco's as his mother whispers a plan to them all, her voice low and head bent forward. Trying to soak in everything being said, she swallows, her heart pounding widely in her chest.

"We'll need to say you've lost your sanity," Narcissa instructs, nodding to herself. "Gone mad. Your state of being has slowly left you not long after the war." She leans to the side, her white and black hair swishing with her movements. "Theo, can you vouch for a change in his behavior?"

Theo sighs deeply and thoughtfully. "Yes, not like it would be much of a lie, anyway."

Finally having found her voice, Hermione says, "Why do we need to run away?"

Draco gives an exasperated groan, releasing her hand so he can drag it down his face.

"Draco had to make some incredibly hard decisions," Narcissa whispers, smiling softly at her. "Decisions that ended up saving your life. You owe him a great deal."

"I do?" Hermione asks, wringing her fingers as she turns her head. "Draco...thank you."

The apology feels wrong from her mouth. Thanking him without merit wasn't much of a meaningful thank you, but between the looks on their faces and the fact that Pansy is now drifting in and out of sleep, she decides the details will need to be momentarily spared.

Draco gives her a smile of gold, a dimple peeking from the left side of his cheek as he cups her face. "I'd do anything for you."

"Enough of that," Narcissa says with a clasp of her hands. Bending so that she was below the sink, she fishes out a small velvet satchel, unlooping the ties. She flips the bag upside down onto the floor, a large green emerald skid to a halt near Pansy's foot sticking out of the bathtub.

"When you're all ready, hold the emerald."

"Why?" Draco orders.

Narcissa peers up at him from her crouched position. Standing with lightning ease, she wipes her hands calmly on her skirt. "Did you know my grandmother fell in love with a Muggle?" she says absent mindedly, and Hermione feels her mouth fall open, looking over at Draco, who has a mirrored expression of her own. "It really isn't that surprising. Irma was always a woman of secrets. This..." Gesturing to the gem, Narcissa smirks. "...was the Portkey she used to visit him with."

"There's another safe house?" Hermione realizes, looking between the older woman and the emerald. "Goodness, your family is always prepared, it seems like."

"Well, we were all placed in the most cunning Hogwarts House," Narcissa replies, shaking her head fondly. "There's no doubt we do just about anything to achieve our goals. Use this, quickly. We'll take care of the rest."

Hermione shifts on her feet, taking a breath. "I need to say goodbye." She attempts to move forward, reaching for the handle.

Narcissa shoots out a hand, blocking her."Listen to me," she seethes, her voice dropping, and Hermione blanches at the word. "I have lost everything, my husband, my life, and now I am giving up the singular thing I have left in order for you to have him." Her eyes glass over as she grips Hermione's upper arm, nails digging in and gives her a light shake. "Do you understand?" she whispers, shaking her again, and lets out a light laugh. "You win. Even if you didn't know you were playing. Now finish the damn game."

Taking a step back, Hermione swallows as Narcissa's hand drops from hers. Even if Draco is still the same boy she had grown to love over the months, is this the right move? Drop everyone and everything for him? She knows he doesn't deserve what will happen, the way people will scowl and ridicule him for something he has no control over. Yes, he's made some harsh decisions, but he isn't a killer, not really. He is just scared. She will be able to cope, to help him, right?

"Mother." Draco says, his tone set in finality.

Narcissa gives him a tight lipped smile, nodding, and Draco does the same, their features oddly at ease for the dire tasks ahead of them. Slipping his fingers into hers, Draco gives her a quick glance, raising his brows then turning away.

"Thank you," Hermione whispers as Draco reaches for the Portkey. She turns to the bathtub and sees Pansy's eyes are open, staring right at her. "I'm so sorry." she relents, and her stomach churns as she and Draco are swept away before Pansy can reply.

The nausea is instant, and she lands harshly on her knees, dropping Draco's hand as she gags.

"Where do you suppose we are?" she questions, blinking rapidly to remove the dizziness from her head.

With boarded up windows, cracked stairs, and peeling paint, the second Malfoy safe house had obviously not been visited in a very long time. The rough was sunbleached, shingles missing from certain sections whose other pieces hung loosely to the edges, threatening to fall at the slightest movement.

The silence is deafening.

"I suppose...our new home," Draco replies, but he lacks the normal confidence.

They stand slowly, still feeling uneasy, and Hermione wipes her hands on her skirt, the dirt dry between her skin and the fabric.

As Draco slips her hand into his, she feels her eyes well. Had this truly been the only option? It felt cheap, easy, so unlike the strong-willed girl she had once been. Turning to face him, Hermione gives Draco a watery smile.

"We have to go back," she whispers, squeezing his palm. "We can't just leave them. They need our help. Pansy alone needs--"

"Pansy is fine." Draco interrupts, his voice biting any fight. "She should count her lucky stars when you were there. Kelly could've hurt you, He could've--"

His sentence drifts without conclusion, and he looks away from her, still holding her hand. Glancing out the house, Hermione shifts to take in her surroundings. They seem to be by the ocean, the light crashing sound of water feeling her head, along with the scent of salt so thick she is sure she can stick her tongue out and taste it.

Without speaking, Draco tugs her to the house, and she stumbles behind him. They walk up the stone steps, wiggling the door knob before pushing inside.

"Draco, we need to go back," Hermione pleads, tugging his hand. "Please. I know you're worried for me but...please. They're my family."

He seems to not be paying attention, his eyes sharp as he scans the entrance to the house, but he glances at her over his shoulder.

"Fine. After tonight. Let's just get some sleep for now," he says, his brow cocked slightly. "Tomorrow, we'll return."

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