Chapter 5: Summer Home

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Neville returned in place of Luna, and with him brought a few supplies and news from above. Cho had been sent on an errand in Diagon Alley three days prior and hadn't returned, leaving Narcissa to fear the worst. Molly Weasley had also stopped sending owls, and Neville was going to apart to the Burrow next to see why she hadn't been responding to the past few letters.

"I'm sure she's alright, but Ginny just wants clarification." Neville told Hermione, trying to comfort her, but she could see right through him. They were worried, Mrs. Weasley always replied to the post. The only time she hadn't was when she was preoccupied with her husband's injury when he'd been attacked by Nagini.

"I do have some good news for you though," Neville continued, handing Hermione a few blankets to pass around to the others. "Narcissa believes its safe for you to come to the Black house and get a little cleaned up. We also are moving some people into my folk's house. We're hoping to get everyone out."

Hermione's heart soared, the thought of going outside made her want to jump for joy. "Do you really think that's possible?" she asked, trying not to get her hopes up. The tall boy nodded, and opened his mouth to speak when Hannah walked up and said, "Any sign of Penelope?" Neville shook his head sadly, and Hermione let out a sigh of disappointment. More and more muggleborns were going missing, and she was stuck in a hole, unable to help. The feeling of defeat was enormous, and she chewed on the inside of her cheek as Hannah spoke. "I just hope she's okay. She's so smart, I just..." the brown-haired girl trailed off, and Neville put his hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"Don't give up Hannah." He said softly, and she gave him a small smile. Hermione watched their interaction for a moment, and a pang of jealousy sprouted in her chest, wishing there was someone there to comfort her. She turned around and sat on her sleeping bag, focusing on retying her shoelaces, even though they were perfectly tight.

March 9th, 1997

"Granger, I swear to you, these are the pages we're supposed to be working on, not those." Draco said, jabbing his finger at the page Hermione had laying open. Draco had a book of his own laid in front of him, and he was unsuccessfully trying to convince her they were supposed to read chapter 44 of the Dream Oracle Volume VI, and not chapter 44 of The Perfect Party, year VI.

"Malfoy! You are WRONG," Hermione replied through gritted teeth. Why was he arguing with her? She had written a specific note about which chapters discussed Ovomancy, and which chapters just briefed on it. He slammed his book shut, and dropped into his chair, pinching his nose on the bridge.

"Oh, come on, I still need your help." She complained, sitting down beside him and he shot her a glare.

"Ha, yeah right. Miss Golden Girl Gryffindor favorite needs help." He sneered, his tone sharp. He snatched the book from her, scanning the page quickly, his silver eyes reading the text.

"What does the word 'ovo' originally mean?" he barked, and she stared at him with wide eyes before replying, "Egg." He nodded once, scanned the page again then looked up at her.

"And what type of divination comes from practicing ovomancy?" he asked, and she felt like his eyes were piercing her. She picked at a scab on her finger, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"''s when yo-"

"Any day now, Granger" he barked, cutting her off in surprise.

"it's when the user cracks open an egg and can determine future events by how the yolk falls from the shell." She replied, fully knowing she was correct. Draco blinked at her, looked back at the textbook, then slammed it shut.

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