Chapter 18: A Knock on Heaven's Door

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Hermione heard Draco leave as she finished rewrapping Fleur's leg, a sigh escaping her lips. He really had regretted it. She had figured as much, since they never really spoke after the greenhouse, unless it was just to check in or a small kiss here or there. But then Dumbledore happened, and everything changed. She had hoped that it had been important, that it meant as much to him as it did to her, but she felt cold at the idea that she was wrong.

"Granger." Pansy was standing in the doorway this time, picking at her nail slightly and her eyes on Fleur's sleeping figure. "Is something going on between you and Draco?"

Hermione began to shake her head. "I have no idea--"

Pansy sighed dramatically, holding up her hand. "Don't lie. It doesn't suit you," she remarked, looking between her and Fleur. "Besides, my boyfriend tells me everything."

Hermione thought back to her brief interaction with Theo in the library and deduced he was probably well aware of the greenhouse, which meant Pansy was, too.

How mortifying.

"I-I thought there was," Hermione admitted, casting her eyes downwards. "But I was wrong." She felt the embarrassment grow in her chest, tightly clutching her wand to her.

A scoff was heard from the brunette. "Honestly, you Gryffindors are so idiotic sometimes," Pansy mused, walking over towards Hermione, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed. "He wants you, Granger. He just isn't sure if you want him after...well, after everything."

Did she want him after everything? He had let in the Death Eaters. He had assisted in the rise of Voldemort. His own father was responsible for the production of Spawning. Yet, despite all of that, he chose to help the good side. He had betrayed his father, along with his cause, and joined them. Was that enough to forgive all the crimes he had committed in the past?

"I'm so confused," Hermione groaned, and put her head in her hands.

Pansy laughed lightly, swinging her leg over one another. "Don't be. Just talk to him tonight," she told her.

Hermione looked up at Pansy, noticing her slim form that was hidden beneath her large sweater and her hair that barely grazed her shoulders. "Why did you change your mind?" she asked. Pansy raised an eyebrow at her. "I just mean, you and Theo changed sides, too. Why?"

She pursed her lips slightly and let out a breath. "I'll tell you a secret if you tell me one, Granger." Her voice was light. Airy. Dangerous.

Hermione looked at her, this girl that had bullied her for years, and briefly contemplated on what she was about to confess. "Me and Draco had sex in the greenhouse."

Pansy's mouth fell open. "You wha--"

"And..." Hermione cut her off, unsure of why she felt the need to tell Pansy. Really, she just wanted to tell someone, anyone who showed some sort of interest in her life. "And it was...don't you dare laugh."

Pansy crossed her finger over her chest and gave a salute. "It'll go to my grave."

She took a deep breath. "It was my first time."

Pansy's eyes widened, to which Hermione felt her cheeks burn. "You lost your virginity to Draco Malfoy on the floor of the greenhouse?" she gasped, a grin spreading over her pale features. "You naughty thing!"

"Shhh!" Hermione begged, but could feel a bubble of laughter coming as she shook her head. "Please, don't make it common knowledge. I don't want Ron to know."

"Good idea," Pansy replied, giving Hermione a wink. "He would probably be very jealous."

Hermione rolled her eyes and stood up from her crouched position on the floor to sit next to Pansy on the edge of the bed. Pansy visibly stiffened, so Hermione scooted away slightly, not wanting to frighten her off. "Okay, your turn."

Pansy exhaled loudly, hunching slightly as she looked out the window. Hermione watched as she chewed on her lip absentmindedly, her hair bright against the raise that peeked in lazily. "There's no easy way to say this, but please don't tell anyone. Only Theo knows and I'd like to keep it that way for now."

Hermione glanced behind her to look at Fleur to find her still asleep, her chest rising and falling slowly. "It's just us listening," Hermione promoted, offering an encouraging smile.

Pansy returned it, but the smile was tight, and she looked away once more. "I'm pregnant." Pansy mumbled, her voice so small that Hermione had to strain to hear it.

"Wh-- How?" Hermione replied, staring at Pansy, who wouldn't meet her eyes.

Pansy laughed, the sound cruel and strained. "Do I need to tell you where babies come from, Granger?" she sneered. "You and Draco could have made some in that greenhouse."

Hermione paled at the thought, and although she knew that she was definitely not pregnant, she still had the urge to take a test. "What are you going to do?"

Pansy scoffed. "What do you mean? I'm going to keep it, of course." She placed a hand lightly on her stomach. "This baby is mine. Mine and Theo's. No one can know, Granger."

"Of course not," Hermione agreed. "How far along are you?"

Pansy stood, pulling up her oversized sweater, revealing a small bump covered by a tank top. "We think about four to five months. It's been getting harder and harder to hide."

Without thought, Hermione gingerly placed her hand on Pansy's stomach, and to her surprise, Pansy didn't flinch. Hermione could feel the heat of Pansy's skin emanating from beneath her shirt, and gasped when she felt a small movement against her palm.

"Amazing, right?" Pansy muttered, her voice soft. "I've always wanted to be a mum."

"What will you name it?" Hermione asked, still staring at her hand on Pansy's stomach.

She grinned in response. "We were thinking Ravenna, if it's a girl," she cooed, looking at Hermione's hand. "And if it's a boy, Severus."

Hermione blinked. It was not too far-fetched that they wanted to name their child after their head of house, even if he had betrayed the school. Severus Snape had been fond of the members of his House, proud some might even say. No one could ever deny that.

"We have to win, Granger," Pansy whispered. Hermione glanced up at her, nodding slowly. "We just...we have to. For little Nott."

"For little Nott," Hermione repeated, looking back down at the life inside Pansy's stomach.

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