||𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒹ℴ𝓂 𝒯ℴℴ𝓉𝒽||Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli x Y/N||

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I am Y/N Zeppeli. The wife of Caesar Antonio Zeppeli. We both r married for 4 years now.

I was waiting for my husband in the living room, pretty excited for today. My husband was getting his wisdom teeth removed today.

People say that your behavior changes after you get your wisdom teeth gets pulled out. I really wanted to see his behaviour.

"Caesarino.... baby!! Come down fast!! Your appointment is at 10:00!!", I cooed to him.

There was no response. Caesar was always like that, whether at work or at home. He didn't respond to me, or didn't have any time for me. But that was alright, I loved him no matter what he did.

"Caesar chan!!! You cold ice!!", I called out a bit louder this time. 

His appointment to the dentist was soon and there he was, getting ready for an eternity. The main problem with Italians, never on time.

"CAESAR!!", I shouted.

"Mamma Mia Y/N!! I'm coming down!! Why are you shouting early in the morning!", Caesar said in a cold tone. 

"Why am I shouting you ask?!", I said, pretty disgusted. 

"This is Italy, Y/N. Not Britain or Japan. There is nothing called "on time" ", he said while grabbing the keys.

I sighed and headed towards the car.

"Have a seat at the back. You're so annoying sometimes.", Caesar said as he took a call from work.

I did what he said while he sat on the driver's seat, blabbering away something in Italian. 

Sometimes, it does break my heart when he was always stone cold. His bossing behaviour was always with him. Luckily, his Hamon trainee partner, Joseph who was my cousin, gave me some company when Caesar when to his business trip.

But it was also true that he was sometimes soft with me.

He was done talking a long time back, while I was lost in my own world.

"Mio Caro..", he started softly.

"Yeah?", I said.

"I'm sorry for not being able to spend time together. When was the last time we spent time together?", He said.

"Uhhhh.... Our honeymoon?", I said.

He laughed. His laughter was like a soothing melody in my ears. I wanted to see him like this everyday.

"Well well well. That's a long time back I see. Well, let's look forward to this weekend. I'll take you to the most famous restaurant in Italy.", He smiled through the rare view mirror.

I smiled back.

After some time, we arrived at the dentist and went inside. We were informed that the doctor would be arriving a bit late.

Caesar was sitting in the operating chair while I sat down beside him. He was acting weird, like never before.

Breathing heavy and worried look on his face, his wheat complexion skin had turned pale white and his light pink rosy cheeks had lost its colour.

"Hey... baby.... Are you worried?", I asked as I placed my hand on his.

"Who said I'm worrying? I'm absolutely fine.", he said, his cheeks regaining colour.

Yeah! Right! You can't hide your emotions and feeling from me. 

"Okie dokie. I'll go outside and wait then.", I said, standing up.

𝐉𝐉𝐁𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 (𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐈)Where stories live. Discover now