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﹝Stay behind the Name: Chass Parker is godlysquirrel

Song: Come thru- nightcore version.

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Chass had been living in Korea for a while, it was supposed to be her vacation yet Jisung was so into the idea of her living with him until the end of the month.

He had been teaching her Korean ever since they began their relationship, language wasn't a boundary to them since they both speak English but Chass just had idea of learning it so she can talk with him using the language.

Fortunately, Jisung had been looking like her own English tutor ever since- he wouldn't deny it, it waz quite fun having someone beside him in which he truly adores, he likes her- scratch that, he loves her a lot.

"and what does this word means?" Chass asked as she pointed on the word she was referring while massaging her temples using the end of the pen, having a cute pout on her lips as Jisung chuckled out in response before linking his arms behind her, pulling her closely to him since they were just sitting on the floor while facing a small desk inside the living room.

"Marry me," Jisung muttured but was enough for her to hear him as she showed confusion over her face, he did that on purpose, he knew he was still studying but he didn't wanna waste time either.

"Huh?" she asked, clueless as she tried to read his expression, maybe she was just hearing things. "What did you say? I must be hearing things," she said, staring directly at him.

She became more confused when he draw something out from his pocket, a red box.

He placed it infront of her while a smile was tug on his face.

"What did you hear?" he asked.

"Marry me?" she asked as Jisung chuckled.

"Will you?" he asked as the girl frowned in response.

"I don't understand"

Jisung hands then went on the table, taking the box before opening it infront of her revealing a ring inside.

"Will you marry me?" he asked as Chass frozed on her spot.

There was a moment of silence before Chass again blinked her eyes in confusion.

"Are you asking me to marry you for real?" She asked in Jisung smiled.

"You're too slow," the next thing she felt was a pair of lips now pressed against hers.

"I want you," He muttured after breaking the kiss, leaving the girl's cheeks now awfully tinted in red. "And I'm not wasting time anymore."

( A/N: I'm still writing the BUNOS so please wait for it juseyooooo )

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( A/N: I'm still writing the BUNOS so please wait for it juseyooooo )

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