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7 years later...

Standing from her spot as her eyes followed the two kids who was playing with their own not too far from her, Chuyeon paint a smile of delight on her face as a sigh of great fulness left her lips.

Until she felt someone snaking their arms around her waist, planting a small kiss behind her neck before putting his chin on her shoulder.

"Enjoying the veiw?" He asked, who would've thought that they would both come this far as a couple? From fan to competent, from competent to complicated feelings, from complicated feelings to confession that lead to an entire relationship and literally ended up like this.

A sigh just left her once again, "They grew up so well" she smiled as two of them waved at them.

"Want to add one?" He slyly smirked while looking at her before receiving a smack in response.

"Don't think stupid," she hissed before taking back her attention on the two kids.

After 7 years of being in a relationship, 2 kids was born.

First was Taechun, now a 7 years old boy who had almost the same characteristics as his dad, same smile, same cute giggles and cute adorable face.

The second one was Chuna, 5 years old and probably the same brain as her mom- she's smarter than her older brother but took the same gens as Taeyoung aswell.


A hummed was heard from her as a response, "How did you knew you actually liked me?" He asked, face anticipating for answers as they stared at each other, Taeyoung was still hugging her from behind.

"When you started smiling," she smiled. "Your smile was just- different, it's adorable and comforting at the same time" she said as Taeyoung slightly chuckled, but he wouldn't deny the fact that it Chuyeon's words still makes him flustered like before.

"How about you?" now, it was her turn to ask as Taeyoung look at her. "How did you fell?"

He paused a bit, a smile was tinting on his face as he tried to reminisce those moments they had together years and years ago, it was insane to think of how they actually get in this stage and how their journey as a couple and competent relationships manage to get there.

He like those memories- it was insane, insanely beautiful.

"When you started caring," he muttured as Chuyeon's eyes sparkled in glazingness, too much to say but that word hit her damn hard. "When you started showing yourself," he added, tightening his hug as Chuyeon smiled.

"You're flirty," she chuckled.

"Mom! Dad!" they heared Taechun yelled as both him and his sister started ranning towards them.

"Chuna said she's hungry," he added, cutely pouting while pointing at his sister who's now having a doe eyes.

Ruffling both kid's hair, Taeyoung picked Chuna to his arms. "I guess we're having a taste of Mom's dishes again~" Taeyoung cheered as Chuna went "YeY!" as Taechun took Chuyeon's hand, holding it as both of them entered their house.

How could one Hi journey onto something less cliché? ❞

❝ How could one Hi journey onto something less cliché? ❞

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「❝ THE END ❞」

hi ㅡ kim taeyoung | ✓Where stories live. Discover now