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--»✯«--CHAPTER TEN--»✯«--

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Taeyoung's pov

"Hi Wonyoung" I greeted as I approached her locker,

About my crush, she's Jang Wonyoung from the same class as mine, sure she didn't came from a wealthy family and tends to work every weekend to help her parents but what I like about her is that, she's really kind and sweet.

She always smile and she also look so pure, that what made me started liking her.

I want to make friends with her and make her comfortable towards me so time would come I could actually confess to her without having any fuss, I like her that much and not all people knows that inside this school except for my friends and now Chuyeon.

"Oh, Taeyoung... Do you need anything?" she asked while having her usual sweet smile.

"N-nothing," sucks! Why did I stutter like that? "Let's go to class together" I said, mentally praising myself and felt gleeful after seeing her nod.



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Chuyeon's pov

"Did you review something?" Seongmin asked, both of us were currently on our way towards CRVT high, it's also under EmpHprep- also Kim FREAKING Taeyoung is studying there.

But I don't care, time to act like nothing happens cause I don't want to look holler infront of everyone.

"No," I muttered while shooking my head at him.

"Gaskets!" he cursed before sighing down and look out the window.

"it's not like we're having quiz in there?" I laughed.

We're on our way to participate on their own school day like what we promised the CRVT head admin.

"oh yeah, how do you feel about the rejection?" here he goes again, I'm already near about choking this guy on purpose and even Yujin's hoe ass can't stop me.

hi ㅡ kim taeyoung | ✓Where stories live. Discover now