Bonding time

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You stayed up all night and wouldn't shut your eyes.
It's finally morning and you see Thomas waking up as he looks at you confused
"How long have you been up?" He says in a morning voice
"I didn't sleep I never really sleep" you sit crossing your legs. Thomas stands up and starts shaking everyone
"Guys come on wake up we gotta start moving"Thomas shakes Minho. They all moan refusing till they start actually waking up, Thomas helps you up and you help the rest up and you look down at winston to see him lying down sweating like crazy, you put your hand out and help him up
"You ok winston?" You hold him
" yeah yeah I'm fine y/n im fine" he walks off as you look at him.

You guys get up to a sand hill and you all look out, you look over and see winston fall to the ground
" Winston!" Thomas yells going to winston
You neal down next too winston putting your hand on his face
"Hey winston stay with me ok" your still holding his face.
The boys carry him in a little sack they made and you go over to Minho and whisper too him
" he's not going to survive" you look concerned
"and why should I trust you" he looks at you
" look I'm trying to be nice you should make him comfortable or atleast out of the sun" you say and walk on.

You guys find a little bit of shelter and you see Thomas looking out on everything so you follow
"So Thomas how far do you expect me too go huh?" You look out in the distance
"Why are you complaining, we saved you" he turns to you
"You did not save me I was fine with my father helping kids" you turn to him
"He was not helping people y/n he's not a good person" he goes closer
" and how is that true" you get annoyed
"Y/n he was going to let you die" Thomas looks you in the eyes
"Stop trying to act like your so innocent you where gunna kill me" you get frustrated
"I wasn't going to kill you y/n" he looks away
" well what where you trying to do grab me introduce me to your gun?"
"I wasn't going to shoot you y/n okay I was trying to get janson to open the door by threatening him, y/n he works for wicked he's a bad person I'm sorry and I know it's your dad and all but we done you a favour" he gets closer and closer too you so your faces are almost touching. Your heart was beating so fast and you didn't know why and you where going to say something until you heard a gunshot come from everyone.

You and Thomas look at eachover and run as fast as you can down there you get there too see winston coughing up blood then falling to the floor
" he was gunna shoot himeself" Minho shows the gun. Winston looks at you in despair
"Please don't let me turn into them" he looks at everyone.

Newt grabs the gun and you look over too see Minho and you can tell he wants to cry so you walk over to him and hug him and hold on too his arm. Newt hands winston the gun and says goodbye and so does Minho and they walk off
"It was nice meeting you y/n" he looks at you and you go on your knees and smile
"It was nice knowing you too winston thank you for being so nice to me" you hold his hand
" any time" he smiles as you stand up and fry looks at him
"Goodbye winston" fry has a tear fall down his eye and he walks off.
You and Thomas where about to leave when winston goes
"Take care off everyone" he smiles as you nod
You walk away and catch up to fry and your walking as you head
You grab Thomas hand getting scared but quickly pull away.

You guys where walking for about a hour and you and Thomas where alone
"So can you now please tell me what you know about what my father is doing because I clearly dont" you look at him
"Well me and aris we saw bodies strang up in this room and janson came in and luckily he didn't see us but he was on the phone with Ava Paige and was talking about getting all of us harvested, they mentioned your name and they wanted to do the same too you they think we are they 'key of everything' but I think there running out of time" Thomas explains
Hearing that made your heart drop, your father really wanted to get you harvested and was working with wicked?

Later on

You guys find somewhere to camp and all sit there round the fire
"So y/n tell us about yourself" fry tries to break the awkward silence
"Oh my story is depressing I don't wanna bring down the mood" you laugh a little
" it's already down tell us" Minho insists
"Well I was never really close with my father I was more close with my mother I lived with her and some people who I don't think are alive right now I had a brother he was a year older then me his name was gally, but when the flare broke out gally and me where both immune so they wanted to take us but they managed to get gally but I was too fast for them. But in time my mother got the flare and so did my bestfriends mother Teresa we both hated wicked more then anything we where on our own for a while trying to get gally back but we failed and janson found me and took me too where I met you guys"
You look at them too see them all in shock
"What why are your faces like that" you look at them all
"Don't ask me I have no clue" aris looks at them
"What did you say your brothers name was again" fry asks
"His name was gally why?" You get confused
Thomas and newt look at eachover in denial
"Y/n I think gally was in our maze" Minho looks up at you but you can tell that something happened
" what do you mean? What happened to him?" You look in shock
"He uh he uh he got stung" Thomas looks too the ground
You try not too look sad even though you wanted to burst into tears
"Well then that answers a lot of questions, now we should all go to bed" you stand

You didn't sleep at all that night you just kept on looking up at the stars thinking about gally and everyone until you see Thomas wake up
"Why haven't you slept" Thomas stands up
"Because I just don't want too, too much to think about" you look up
You both sit by the fire and watch it. You lean your head on his shoulder and feel yourself drifting off.

"Finally" Thomas looks in relief too see your asleep.
Newt suddenly wakes up and sees you asleep
"So she sleeps" he giggles
"Yeah I where should I move her" Thomas whispers
"She looks pretty comfortable on your shoulder mate" he winks

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