The letters

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Thomas walks out into the safe haven where standing fry gally newt and Minho
"She's gone" Minho says with tears in his eyes
Thomas looks down where they all pull into a hug

The bonfire
"Here's to the ones we lost, heres to Teresa who with her best friend, here's to y/n and her mother Regina without either of them we would not be here right now Y/n always wanted us to have a home where we would be safe from wicked whether it was with her or not, she will always be with us, forever she is in our hearts ,so I would us to raise our cups for y/n" vince raises his cup
"Too y/n not only my best friend but my sister" gally raises his cup
"Too y/n I know the stupid shank is looking down on us" Minho let's put a little laugh
"To y/n the girl who taught me there was hope" aris raises his cup
"Too y/n the one who saved me" Brenda raises her cup
"Too y/n my best friend and the one I would turn to if I was ever sad" fry raises his cup
"Too y/n my daughter she deserved to be here with us" Jorge looks up at the sky
"Too y/n our sister from another mister" sonya and harriet raise their cups
"Too y/n the love of my life, the one who taught me how to be happy again" Thomas raises his cup holding back his tears.

After the bonfire
Thomas is sitting on his hammock playing with your bracelet which you gave him as Minho sits next too him
"She would be proud of us you know" Minho smiles
"I hope so" Thomas let's out a little laugh
"we found this on you when you were past out it was her necklace filled with letters I've gave everyone there's, here's yours" Minho hands Thomas a bunch of letters.

The letters

Dear aris,
I'm writing this too you because I know I will probably never speak to you again, Sounds depressing I know a life without me. Aris I remember the day we met you came into the compound all tired and moppy and I wanted to see you laugh and I made you laugh over some stupid joke I can't remember. I wanted to thank you for being my friend my first ever friend really you still owe me for our bet harriet and Minho are not together (I hope) you will always be one of my best friends. Enjoy life and speak more for gods sake.
I love you lots

Dear sonya and harriet,
When I first met you I thought you where all bitches
(Which you are) but that's why I love you both so much the faces you pull at the boys make me giggle,
You make life bearable and easy too smile. Never loose that please and if you are rude to fry I will come back and haunt you so just be warned. I love you both thank you

Dear Minho,
Listen you ugly shank I want no tears please seeing you cry would be hard, your one of the funniest and sassiest person I have ever met. You always know how to make me laugh even when I don't want too
But loser you have to live your life and not care what they think. I'm hoping your somewhere safe where you can actually practise with your flirting ( which you are rubbish at) oh and don't forget that I'm watching you so please don't flirt with harriet anymore I cannot bare that any longer. But have a good life you shank.
I love you Minho
Dear newt,
Hello you British lad, I admire you newt I always have you always have a plan and had a good personality I was always quite jealous of you. I just want you too know that we all love you dearly newt your amazing and please don't change that. If you ever change ill have to admit I'm going to miss your cheeky smile. Look after Tommy for me newt your his best friend and he needs someone. Your the best person to do it. Thank you was
Lots of love

Dear fry,
Wow this letter is going to be hard because I love you so much fry, you are one of the most important people too me. You wouldn't let me give up and neither should you. I hope your safe and I've warned everyone to be nice to you :) thank you fry for not letting me give up on gally and making me laugh. You were always my favourite ( don't tell anyone) the moment I met you I found you hilarious and I couldn't get enough of you.
I love you frypan have fun, not too much without me;)

Dear Brenda,
You are like my sister now  and I love you dearly I'm hoping you live a happy life with gally, you two are perfect for Each-over. Please don't let Jorge get sad you can cheer him up. Thank you for being my protector and always having my back and don't blame yourself ok because that's how life is I guess,
We live love and die eventually. We will reunite again and I will be waiting for you.
I love you bren

Dear Jorge,
This was the letter I knew would be hard, I'm already tearing up thinking about leaving you. I know I didn't give you enough credit growing up but your my father not janson blood doesn't mean anything to me, I love you so much and you took care of me and gally like we where your blood kids, thank you so much  for letting me grow up with someone like you. I couldn't have it any other way old man. I will see you again sooner or later ( please don't let gally get into trouble) thank you
I love you dad

Dear gally,
My older brother, my protector, I love you more than anyone. When I found out you died I was heartbroken so I can't imagine how your feeling now and I'm sorry about that. But I wanted to say please don't feel guilty it's not your fault it's the way life works I guess, but you are born for greatness gal you get your happy ending (with Brenda I hope). It's end of a era big brother, and I'm so happy I saw you before it ended. Your a good person gally and you should honestly smile more. I remember as kids when we would sing songs with mom. I love you and I will see you again this isn't the end of us and I'll be waiting for you.
I love you so much

Dear Tommy,
This was the letter I was regretting. I can't put it into words how much I will miss you. I know I didn't say it a lot but I love you Thomas I'm Inlove with you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Before I met you I was so depressed and felt like there was a whole in my heart, you filled that hole Thomas so thank you Tommy. I can't wait for the day I see you again which will be a very long time because you are going to live a long happy life with your friends and your going to grow old and have kids even though it's not with me. I don't want to ever say goodbye to you so I wanted to start with a hello. The first time I met you I'm not going to lie I hated you because you put a gun too my head but I've never been more glad that you did, I'm glad that my stupid dad made me show you all around I'm glad I stopped you from getting you in trouble dumbass. I love you Tommy
Don't forget me :)
                               Y/n xoxoxo

Your POV
You wake up and look around and your in your old room as a child.
"What the" you look around and see a picture of you and gally as kids sitting there
"You and gally were so cute as kids" a voice says
You turn to see your mother there smiling at you
"Mom" you stand up
"Hello y/n" she giggles as you hug her tight
"Did I save them is Tommy ok" you say too her in a panic
"There fine, you saved them I'm extremely proud of you" she smiles.

Many years later
Your wondering around when you feel someone grab you
"What the hell" you turn to see Thomas staring at you
"Hello y/n" he gives you a big smile
"Hello Thomas" you smile back.
The end

I would like to thank everyone for reading my story I really loved writing it. If you would like more I make maze runner stories on my tik tok account @storiessss.xe and I'm doing another one on this account 🥰 thank you love you all goodbye.

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