Getting information

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"Oo what happened too your arm, looks like it stings" Marcus looks at your arm and mocks it
"None of your business now tell us where the right arm is" you look at him
He keeps on laughing.

Thomas wakes up too see you and Jorge beating up Marcus and Minho looks at him
"How is she doing that with her arm"Thomas looks concerned
"She's pumped with a lot of drugs they will wear of in a hour so she's trying as quick as she can" Minho looks at you
"Tell us Marcus" Jorge says calmly
Thomas walks over too newt and sits with him
"Wait this Marcus" Thomas points at Marcus
"Wow you catch on quick are you the brains of this operation" Marcus says sarcastically
"You know I don't like hurting you" Jorge says
"She does" marcus looks too you
"Well your not wrong" you smile at him
" just tell us and we can make a deal" Jorge says
"Oh I don't need your deals I have one of my own"
Marcus giggles.
You and Jorge look at eachover
"What's your deal" you ask
"Its with wicked I get immune as drunk let them have the time of there lives then wicked come in and get them the weak are left" he laughs
"Changed my mind I do like hurting you" Jorge nods at you as you kick him and his chair over.
Jorge puts a gun too his head
"WHERE IS IT" Jorge screams as you help him get the chair back up
"Fine fine ok, there in the mountains but you won't get there on foot not with wicked on your ass" he giggles
"Who said we where taking foot" Jorge grabs Marcus Collar "where's Bertha ?" Jorge smiles
"Not Bertha" Marcus frowns.

Your all in the car and your next too Thomas and newt as the drugs are starting too ware off and Thomas can see that your in pain
"We're almost there" he smiles at you and you nod at him you fall asleep the rest of the journey.

You guys pull up to a bunch of cars blocking the tunnel
"Guess we will have to go on foot, look around see if you see anything" Jorge says
"This place looks like shit" Minho looks as you hear bullets going off Minho grabs you as you Minho and newt hide behind a car
"EVERYONE OK" Thomas screams
"Yeah we are fine but y/n doesn't look too good" newt looks at you
"Wow thanks newt for your support" you look at him.
"Ok everyone cover your ears" Jorge says.

"Drop it" you hear a women's voice and you look up too see two girls in masks holding guns at Thomas and Jorge
"Get up move" the first girl points her gun
She looks over too you newt and Minho
"Don't be stupid move" she points the gun and you guys. Newt helps you up and you guys stand
"Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" you say as the blonde girl looks at you funny
"Aris?" The first girl says looking at aris
You look over too see aris confused until she takes her mask off
"Omg harriet" he runs and hugs her
"Harriet?" You whisper
The blonde girl hugs aris then looks too you Shocked
" Harriet look" she looks too you and so does Harriet
"Y/n?" She looks shocked
"Harriet omg" you smile as she runs over and hugs you right
"Woah woah woah watch the arm" you move it
"I can't believe your alive" she smiles. You look over too see the blonde girl remove her mask
"Sonya" you walk over and hug her tight as she has a tear down her face
"Y/n I've missed you so much" she smiles as she holds your face.

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