Finding marcus

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You guys wipe all the dust off you as start feeling really dizzy and Thomas catches you
"Woah woah woah you ok?" Thomas holds you
"I don't need your help" you try too stand up but fail and fall back into his arms
"You don't need my help huh" he smirks
"Shut up and help me walk" you look at him as he grabs your waist and pull you into him and you guys walk over too Brenda
"Ok so we just gotta get this vent open" you lights her flashlight at it.

She crouches down next too it and opens it, her and Thomas both flash there flashlights down there as you hear screams and horrible sound
"Cranks there full of them" you look at Brenda
"We will be ok if we all stick together" she jumps down, then Thomas jumps down and so do you.

You walk around in the tunnels for a bit with Thomas arm still round your waist helping you too a
Walk. You flash your flashlight as soon as you see a crank pop out, it made screeches and was running fast towards you
"RUN" Brenda screams as you see more cranks coming , you run with all your strength and power and make it out of the tunnel.

You all start climbing these rocks and Thomas is helping you up, you guys finally get too the top and Brenda falls back and lands on this big glass window
"BRENDA" you scream as you try too make your way down there
"Y/n what are you doing" Thomas also comes down
"I'm saving her what does it look like" you jump down and kept on trying to reach her but your arms couldn't reach hers
"Here let me try" Thomas reaches out and Brenda grabs his hand all of a sudden a crank falls down and starts attacking Brenda. She kept fighting it off as it bites her
"THOMAS GRAB HER HAND NOW" you scream as you grab a stick and right before the crank could grab her you smashed the glass and helped her up.

About half hour later you guys are trying too find Marcus and you and Thomas are next too eachover and Brenda is infront
"Are you sure your ok" he says holding you
"Yeah I'm perfect I feel like doing a cartwheel" you sarcastically smile at him
He smirks at you and he starts looking at all the buildings
"So who is the Marcus guy" Thomas asks you
"He helps kids get too the right arm I haven't seen him since I was little so I hope he recognises me" you see the big massive building and you Brenda and Thomas all walk near it until this woman comes up too you and starts flirting with Thomas
"I'm guessing your looking for the party, hey your really cute" she tries too flirt with him
"Oh yeah thanks my girlfriend thinks so too" he pulls you closer too him and before you can say a word he covers your mouth
"Have you seen Marcus anywhere" he asks the lady
As soon as he says that a man walks out
"This is my place now" he smirks but you recognise him but don't know where
"Do you know where Marcus is" Thomas says
"I think he's in zone b" he points
"What's in zone b" you ask and the girl comes up to you
"That's where they burn the bodies"she whispers

"Well have you seen a blonde boy quite tall with a couple of his friends?" He walks closer too him
"I think there inside, here drink this" he pulls out a flask with blue liquid in it
"What is that" Thomas looks at the bottle
"The price to pay to get inside" he starts handing the drink too Thomas but he's not taking it so you grab it and you take a big gulp and so did Brenda
"DRINK IT" the man gives it too thomas
Thomas grabs it and drinks it. The man puts his arms around all of you and pushes you inside.

The room was spinning and weird music playing
"Hey don't drink anything else" Brenda looks at you and Thomas. You end up wondering off on your own and the room was getting dizzy and your heart was racing, you kept looking around too see if you could find Thomas or anyone and Thomas stumbles up too you
"There not here y/n" he says looking too the ground but keeps on getting closer too you
"Well we can't stop finding them" you say falling into Thomas
"It will be fine" he smirks and goes closer too your face
"Thomas what are you doi-" you get interrupted by Thomas kissing you, you felt guilty and felt like you should pull away but you just couldn't but you pull the courage and stop
"What's wrong" Thomas asks
"Your not Thomas" you look him in they eyes as you see the disappointment in his face as he walks away.
You try too follow him but you can't catch up you turn too see your father in crank form, you scream and pass out

Thomas POV
Thomas walks away and starts looking for you the room was spinning and he was seeing things
"Thomas" you appear
"Y/n" Thomas looks at you
"We should get out of here" you get closer too him
"We need to find they other" he says
"Why there already gone" you smile
"What" he looks confused
" it's just you and me now" you giggle getting closer too him
Thomas starts breathing really heavy and you hold his face
"Let go" you stare into his eyes
"How?" He frowns
"Like this" you lean in and kiss him and he kisses back the kiss lasts about a minute before you pull away
"Bye thomas" you smirk
"Your not y/n are you" he looks scared
You disappear in thin air and Thomas turns too see newt winston and gally in crank form and he falls too the floor and passes out

The next morning you wake up to see the man strapped too a chair and Minho leans down
" welcome back you ugly shank" he smiles
"Oh shut up, what's going on" you look over
"That's Marcus but he won't speak, hey is your arm ok" Minho looks at your arm
"I'm fine I'm on a lot of drugs right now so I can't feel anything so I'm fine" you walk over too Marcus
"Marcus" you look at him
"Y/n you finally found out took you long enough" he smirks
" well you look old now" you look at him
"Well I'm not going to speak" he giggles
"Well we will have too do it they hard way then" Jorge punches Marcus.

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