Where is the right arm

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"Ok ok y/n you had your little reunion, now where did you all come from" he looks at the boys
You all stand in silence
"Well don't all answer at once" he grabs a drink
"The thing is Jorge" you try too make up excuses
"Grab them" he looks at his workers
They all grab you and put a detector on your and Thomas neck
"Jorge you where right there from wicked" Brenda passes Jorge the device which shows your and Thomas faces
"You my friend are tagged which means your property off wicked which is very valuable to me" he smirks

Your upside down
"Good plan y/n just follow the man" Minho moans
"Shut up Minho" Thomas says annoyed
You try too look for ways down until Jorge comes in
"Having a nice time up there" he laughs
"Very funny Jorge you've had your fun and games now let us down" you demand
"Oh but y/n I'm done with you guys yet, where is the right arm" he looks at you
"Well that's the problem we don't know" Thomas looks at Jorge
"I wasn't asking you ermano I was asking your girlfriend" he looks too you
You stay silent so Jorge walks over too the lever and pushes it lowering you all and scared you
"Ok ok, the right arm there taking kids in saving them from wicked doing what my mom used too do and that they travel around a lot that's all I know" you say fast
"See that wasn't so hard was it" he looks at you with a smile

He is beginning too leave
"So your not gunna help us" aris asks
"Well your work here is done, hang tight" he leaves
"Y/n I thought he was your friend" newt says
"He is that's just how Jorge is, now let's get out of here Minho I need you too push me"
Minho grabs you by your arm and pushed you, you try too grab on too the bar but miss
"Push her harder Minho" newt yells
Minho give you one last push and you manage you grab the wall and pull the lever too let you down.

You get them all down and you guys start leaving until a man stops you
"Sorry princess but I'm not letting you and your friends leave" he grabs his walki talki
"Janson I got them y/n is here too" he talks to janson
"Good I'll bring my men down" janson says through the walki talki. You don't want them too get in trouble So you grab the walki talki
"Dad it's me leave they others alone and I will come ok" you say as everyone looks shocked
"Fine by me" janson says through the walki talki
You where about too leave but Thomas stands in front of you stopping you from moving
"Thomas move" you try get past him but he won't let you
"No your not going anywhere" he grabs your wrist
"Thomas it was nice knowing you all but let me do this I need to go, go find Brenda and Jorge tell them that you guys need to find Marcus he will tell you where the right arm is so go" you look at him trying to move.

He gives you a look
"I'm sorry y/n" he frowns
"Thomas what are y-" you get interrupted by Thomas grabbing your waist and lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder
"HEY PUT HER DOWN" one of the guards say surrounding him. Your still fighting your way out of Thomas arms.
You do a front flip off and kick a guard in the face as Thomas punches the other guard.

You guys are about to leave when one of jorges worker stops you and gets a gun
" where do you think your going" he smirks
Thomas walks up too him and he shoots but misses thomas and you look down too realise it skidded your arm. Fry pan sees that your holding your arm and there's blood and sees your about too fall as he grabs you
"Shit Thomas" fry says in a worried voice
Thomas turns around too see fry holding you as Brenda comes behind the guard and shoots him while Thomas runs over too you
"You ok" he grabs you
"Well I was just shot so how do you think I feel" you say sarcastically
"Ok I'm going to ignore that but can you stand" he looks at you
"Yes I can and I can run so let's go!!" You start moving but pushing pressure on your arm and Brenda meets up with Jorge
"Ok you guys wanna escape I have a plan but we need to move" Jorge pulls out a scarf that's rapped around string leading too safety. You hear the music
"Oh shit you have the song on" you look at Jorge
"Exactly why we need to move" Jorge swings down
"What happens after the song?"aris asks
"You Don't wanna know now get on" you get aris on and he swings down so does Minho and fry.

You look to Thomas
"Go quick" you try too move him
"Not without you"he stands still
"Well I'm not going I can't with my arm, now go it was nice knowing you Thomas" you smile at him as you see brendas gone so you follow her
"Y/n wait" he follows you into a room where Brenda is
" Brenda what are you doing?" You see Brenda searching through a draw
" got it" she pulls a gun out as you see loads of guards crowding you
Brenda shoots half of them and you pull out one of your knives and throw it at one
"Damn nice aim y/n now go" Brenda runs and so do you and Thomas

The songs almost over and you guys fall down this crack into a room bellow as you guys get trapped

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