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"Omg Teresa" you get a tear in your eye
"Y/n your here!" She smiles and hugs you. You hug her back and almost start crying
"How are you still alive" you look at her
"Mary she took me in" she smiles at you
"I'm so happy your here" you look at her
"Me too, now introduce me too your friends" she looks at all the boys
"Oh right yes so this is Minho fry pan newt and Thomas and the kid talking too Sonya and Harriet is aris" you point at them all
"Well nice to meet you guys I'm Teresa" she smiles at them all
"So this is the girl you were talking about y/n" Minho looks at Teresa
"Yep this is her" you smile at her.

After a while of talking you guys go too the bonfire you sit next too fry and aris as mary comes out with a box
"Look what I found" she puts it in the middle of the circle your all in
You open the box too see loads of pictures of you guys when you where all little
"Omg we look so young" Sonya starts too pull out pictures
You look at the pictures and see a picture of you and teresa when you where younger and smile at it as she looks at it
"We where extremely cute" she smiles and holds the picture
Teresa pulls loads out and you two sit down and look at them and laughing till you get too a picture of both of your moms together
"They would be proud of us y/n" teresa holds your hand
"Yeah I hope so" you lean your head on her shoulder

A little while goes by as newt pulls a picture out of Sonya with a little boy
"Hey sonya who's this and why does he look like me" he holds the picture too her
"Oh that's my elder brother newt" before she says anything else she looks at newt shocked
"Sonya that couldn't be him" Harriet looks at newt
" newt show me the side of your stomach" you walk up too him
"Wow y/n if you wanna see me naked please ask more nicely" he winks at you
"Just shut up and show me your stomach" you lift his shirt too see the same birth mark
You look at Sonya and she has tears in her eyes she runs up too newt and hugs him and he hugs her
"I can't believe it's really you" she smiles
"I have a sister" newt smiles.

They talked for a hour as Minho is still going through the box He pulls up a picture
"Hey hey looks at this it's y/n and gally" he smiles
Everyone walks over and looks at it
It was a picture of you pulling a silly face and gally laughing at you when you guys where around the age of 11
"Woah yeah it is" you smile at it
"Gally smiling never seen that before" Minho looks at the picture
You get upset knowing that gally wasn't happy and you go sit on the edge of the little cliff looking out too the distance when fry walks up and sits with you
"Fry is it true did gally really never smile" you look at him
"Well they weren't as close too him as I was , he was actually really funny it's just that him and Thomas didn't really get along" fry sits closer too you
"How did he die like what happened" you ask
"Well when we where leaving the maze gally refused too come so when we where nearly out gally appeared it was obvious he has been stung and he had a gun on him and he was telling us not too leave the maze he was going too shoot Thomas but a little boy names chuck stepped in and got shot Thomas was heartbroken and still hasn't gotten over it, chuck was like his little brother"fry looks down
"Omg I'm so sorry, you know gally would have never done that on purpose right" you look at fry with tears running down your eyes
"Ofcorse not gally could be a asshole sometimes but he wouldn't hurt anyone like chuck" he tries too comfort you.

After you and fry talked for a bit and it got dark so fry went down. You sat on your back and Thomas came up
"Mind if I join you?" He sits
"Sure why not" you smile at him
Thomas lays down next too you and you look at the stars
"I heard about your friend chuck I'm sorry" you try too break the silence
"It's fine I'm sorry about gally" Thomas fakes a smile
You sit up
"You know gally would have never killed him on purpose I know you two didn't get along but gally wasn't a monster" you cross your legs
"Yeah I know he wasn't he could just be a big asshole" Thomas sits up and moves closer too you
You laugh a bit
"So what was gally like before the maze then?"thomas smiles
" he could still be a asshole but he was a good person, he always made me laugh and was very overprotective he always hated wicked and when our mother was dying me and hun used to sit here in this exact spot and talk for hour" you look down and start playing with your fingers. Thomas grabs you face and pulls it too look at his
"He would be proud of you" he smiles
"I hope so" you smile back
Thomas pulls in closer you face was almost touching his, you where almost about too speak but Thomas interrupts you by kissing you he puts his hand on your face and everything just feels right you feel safe and happy.

After about a minute newt interrupts
"Hey Thomas are you- omg finally" newt giggles and walks away
"Newt I- for gods sake" you bury  your head into Thomas chest as he laughs and wraps his hand around you. You look up at him and kiss him again and pull away
"We should probably get back too the others" you smile
"Oh but do we have too I'm enjoying it here with you" he smiles
"Yes now let's go" you hold his hand and drag him down.

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