dead Bakugo AU.

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Bakugo died when? When he was kidnapped by the league. This is how it went. After Bakugo refused to join the league they almost killed him and left him for dead in their old hide out. So when todoroki, Deku, momo, Kirishima, and Iida got there and looked through the window they saw a almost dead Bakugo. The league was at the hide out where the pros were and everything else played out the same. After all might won  against all for one he and the other hero's were informed that Bakugo was about to die and they couldn't do anything about it. This is the scene that went down.

when they got at the hide out.

When kiri stood on iidas shoulder he looked into the window he looked and saw Bakugo sat in a chair passed out. He quickly broke the window and todoroki made a ice staircase and they all rushed down to Bakugo. Todoroki got there and picked him up and started useing his ice to make him run faster Iida tryed to yell at him to stop and that It wasn't safe but he ignored iidas yelling. When he got to the hospital they were all watching the tv and they all quickly turned and ran to grab the badly bleeding boy. after about 30 minutes Deku, Iida, momo and Kirishima all got there and todoroki was pacing around they asked of there was any news he couldn't talk so all he did was shake his head no. After about another 30 minutes the pro hero's got there. All might was going to talk to the nurse but Aizawa told him to sit down. Aizawa and mic went to talk to the nurse. They both walked back and everyone stood up quickly Aizawa told them to sit but todoroki said he would rather stand. Mic started talking he won't make it he said with a sad voice and a tear in his eye while Aizawa was full on crying. Eveyone started crying everyone but todoroki he didn't want to believe it he couldn't believe it. Bakugo he loved him but would naver get the chance to tell him a tear started makeing a it's way down his face. Then mr Aizawa spoke up the doctor said we could talk to him before he dies hes awake now but we don't have much time. then he looked at todoroki and just said go. He very quickly got up and ran towards Bakugos room he opened the door as quickly and quietly as he could. And started walking when he was inside. Bakugo gave a week smile when he saw him hay icy-hot he said Bakugo todoroki said quietly still crying don't cry icy-hot I'm nothing to cry over. Todoroki ran to his side and held his hand Bakugo gave another week smile then the rest of the class walk to the door. they all said their goodbyes Bakugo said what he regreted to them all till he got to Deku i- he started im sorry I didn't mean any of it he said and added a izu to the end and Deku had the brightest smile on his face and said you haven't called he that since we were five. Don't get used to it Bakugo said still with a week smile. after about 25 minutes of them talking the class decided to leave Bakugo and todoroki be for a little. They both sat in silence for about six minutes before todoroki spoke up. I'll miss you he said Bakugo gave a little laugh and said ya I won't miss you icy-hot. Todoroki knew he was joking and laughed. But seriously I'll miss you to icy-hot but I'll always be watching so don't do anything stupid okay? Ya he replied before I have to say something before you know todoroki said and turned to the blonde boy. What icy-hot. I love you I've loved you since the sports festival that's when I knew I really loved you. Bakugo gave a week smile again and said I live you to shoto. Then his eyes started to close and the load beeping from the machine could heard the doctors all rushed in and todoroki was pushed out he went to sit down and in 30 minutes one of the doctors walk to them and inform them of their lose. That day todoroki walked home crying but he was also smiling kind of like this.

He will miss the angry Pomeranian but he now knows that the angry boy loved him back

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He will miss the angry Pomeranian but he now knows that the angry boy loved him back. And he would always watch over him.

Ever since that day todoroki would visit Bakugos grave he was buried on the UA campus. And for Bakugo well just like he said he would be watching him.

As I said before though I don't really read the storys after I first write them so I don't really have an excuse for my spelling. I'm really sorry though and I've been trying to fix it. But anyway thank you for reaching this💖    

bonus scene: Bakugo as a angle

Bitch what the hell am I wearing!! Bakugo yelled and todoroki swear he could hear his lover say something but he couldn't make it out.

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