we already knew that

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Bakugo and todoroki have been dating for 6 months they both really liked each other and thought that they should tell the class about it maybe but Bakugo was scared on what his class mates would think. Todoroki tryed to convince the smaller boy that it wound be fine but Bakugo was still a little nervous but agreed to tell the class but satellitely. Todoroki agreed that they wound both start with things like holding hands and maybe kissing to see how long it would take for the class to find out. Bakugo and todoroki decided that was a good idea and then went to sleep cuddling each other and eventually went to sleep. IN THE MORNING. Bakugo and todoroki walked into class holding hands but it didn't really look like anyone noticed it Bakugo and the half haired male both went to their sets with a sigh. I'm surprised no one noticed Bakugo thought.  AFTER CLASS. The whole day they tryed every thing that they could think of settle flirting and obvious flirting they even kissed each other but no one even bated an eye. At the end of the day mr Aizawa gave them 30 minutes of free time to do whatever they wanted "just don't wake me up" he said. Mr Aizawa was almost impossible to wake up so they really could do what every they wanted. Bakugo got tired for everyone not noticeing him and todoroki so what did he do about it? Well he got up on top of the table and started yelling "everyone listen up" he yelled "Eveyone listen up me and icy-hot are dating got that!?!" Everyone just looked up with a blank stare Bakugo was holding his breath. "We already knew that kacchan" Midoriya said. with confused face Bakugo yelled "how did you all know that!?" "You two aren't that good at hiding it you know" jirou said Bakugo blushed out of embarrassment when she said that how kind did they really know? "Well sence you all know now I can do" this todoroki got up and walk over to Bakugo and kissed him really quick and then returned to his seat. And Bakugos face ended up reder then Kirishimas hair. THE END.

This is the human writing this thank you for reading this I really appreciate it 💖.

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