im not okay-

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Alright so who is ready to cry?

If your crying by the end of this I did my job.

So I'll shut up so the story can Start.

Ps: sorry it's been so long since I  published a new part to this.

Bakugo was in his dorm it was a bad day to say the least.
He woke up late and he normally never does that so why well he wished he could tell you and Mr aizawa.

After getting told off by his favorite teacher he ended up late for lunch so he had about 10 minutes to eat and that didn't work for him so he just said "fuck it" And went on a walk around the  campus instead.

And next well everything was going good for the most part the Bakusquad was going annoying but that's nothing new so what happened?  Well he saw nothing other then Momo or pony tell on his icy-hot because yeah that made his day better.

So now he was in his dorm listening to music and writring on his diary he of course wrote down everything that happened to day but by the end of writing everything down he had tears running down his face and thoughts running through his head.

"Would he like her more?"

"Am I not pretty or handsome enough?"

"Does he not love me anymore? "

"Am I annoying?"

"I must be to mean or rude to him right?"

"I can't even keep the one I love the most"

He didn't just have tears in his eyes now he was full on crying but of course he opened back up his diary and wrote all this down but seeing it on paper made him cry more. 

(Am I the only one who cry more when you write it down??)

About 5  minutes later he heard a knock at his door he tried his best to "fix" His voice so it didn't sound like he was crying but he failed at it "w-who is it?" Bakugo yelled

"It's me shoto are you okay? " The candy cane boy said sounding very worried. "Shit" Bakugo cursed under his breath just loud enough for himself to hear it but not the human candy cane outside his door.

Todoroki could hear moving around the dorm and he knocked again "is everything okay in there? " He sounded even more worried.

"Y-yeah just give me a minute" Bakugo yelled trying to sounds mad.

Todoroki could hear the water running but he couldn't imagine why? Wait was he crying? No he's never even seen his boyfriend cry and even if he was why wouldn't he call him?

Bakugo opened the door and snaping todoroki out of his thoughts. Bakugo rubbed his eyes for a second and then looked at the half haired boy confused.

Was his eyes red wait was he crying Todoroki yelled on his mind freaking out on the inside but still a clam Normal face on the outside.

"Umm did you need something? " Bakugo finally asked it was maybe 10 seconds but it was uncomfortable for Bakugo to stand there in silence.

"Oh um ya can I come in?"  Bakugo didn't say anything but just walked back to his bed and say down todoroki to take that as in invite to come in and sit down.

"So" Bakugo said acting annoyed. "Ya are you okay? You have red eyes and I'm sure I heard something like crying" "Ya I'm f-fine stupid icy-hot" Bakugo mentally cussed himself out for stuttering even if shoto was his boyfriend he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Bakugo I know your not can you tell me what happened did I do something?" He was running through all the things he did today he couldn't think of anything

"You don't even know what you did are you kidding me?!? " Bakugo was upset he didn't even know what he did he spent so much time crying over him and he didn't know what he did.

"Kat of you don't tell me I can't fix it"
"How about you go run to your little girlfriend!" Bakugo yelled with tears in his eyes.

Todoroki was shocked he was with her for about 25 minutes maybe if that. She fell on him but he pushed her off and jirou came running to help her girlfriend.

"Beby she fell on me and she's dating jirou" Todoroki said in a clam voice.
Bakugo eyes went wide he was being so stupid how could he think that stuff.

"I'm so sorry I was being so stupid" Bakugo moved to hug todoroki as quick as he could he was crying even more now" Todoroki didn't know what to do except hold bakugo even he did he never wanted to let go but he knew he would have to eventually.

When he looked down bakugo was asleep on his lap all he could do was smile and soon he fell asleep as well.

And this is done did you cry? If so I did my job if not I'll have to try again😅

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And this is done did you cry? If so I did my job if not I'll have to try again😅. Anyways thanks for reading I hope to see you again 💖.

Word count: 870

Time spent: hour and a half

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