Bakugo is shy??

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I decided to write a story off of this picture so let's get into it.

I decided to write a story off of this picture so let's get into it

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Todoroki just woke up he was in Bakugos dorm he fell asleep there. He was used to it though it happened often.

But something happened to be on his mind today. Every one know that Bakugo and him were dating. But they naver held hands or anything like that in public but he wanted to.

Todoroki was tired of people hiting on Bakugo and himself he wanted everyone to know that Bakugo was his and only his.

That was all he would think about as he was getting ready. After he got ready he woke up Bakugo.
He lightly shook him awake "Bakugo wake up love" he wispered in his ear to wake him up. Hmm Bakugo humed and opened his eyes he sat up and hugged his icy-hot. Bakugo put his hand around todorokis neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. Todoroki smiled and walked to over to the bathroom he sat him down and walk out to give him some privacy.

After Bakugo got ready.

Bakugo walked out of the bathroom and sat next to todoroki who was on his phone. "Are you ready to go" the half haired male asked Bakugo just shook his head yes. As they were walking todoroki grabed Bakugos hand. Bakugos looked at his hand and saw todoroki holding it and he blushed. But they both kept walking when they got to their class ochako looked at both of them and said "your finally holding hands in front of everyone keep it up!" "Shut up" Bakugo yelled with a bluhed face todoroki just looked her way and said "thanks".

The day went normal but they held hands more then normal. Bakugo did get teased by the Bakuaquade for being shy for the day.

Thank you for reading this 💖. This was a new idea of mine to write a story off of a picture I don't know if it's been done before but it's new to me. Anyway thanks 💖

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