Chapter 1

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As Amy answered the phone, she could see the bus slowly making its way up to her stop. Other people who were stood waiting started to frantically wave their arms, as if doing so would magically make the grinding traffic speed up and make the bus  get to them faster.

Amy took a step back to listen to Karen on the other end of the line.

"Amy? Amy...are you there?"

”Yep Karen - what's up hun?” - oh this wasn't going to be good. Its not everyday the CEO's personal assistant wanted to speak to you.

"Amy - Mr Howard wants to see you in his office. Now."

Amy could feel the beginnings of a headache slowly start to spread across her forehead. Rubbing her head with her hand she glanced up to see her already packed bus preparing to pull up. People had started to push their way to front of the queue, pushing Amy further back away from the roads edge.

"Karen, I already left....I'm just about to...."

"Now Amy. You've got 5."

The line went dead.

5? What the hell was that supposed to mean?

She had 5 minutes to get back to the office building which was a good ten minute walk, not to mention battling through crowds of hurrying people scurrying to get out of the rain???

She would look like a drowned rat by the time she made it back to the office. Yep, great way to make an impression on Mr Thomas Howard.

Dropping her phone back into her bag, wishing she had worn slightly more sensible shoes today, and hugging her jacket closer around her she turned , admitting defeat, and started to briskly walk as fast as was possible without looking like a complete fool back in the direction of the Howard Corporation buildings.

Thomas Howard sat behind his overly large desk in his overly large office. He never did like the pomp and ceremony that accompanied being the CEO of a large company.

He ran his tired hand through his now thinning, slightly grey hair. At 65 he was tired.

Tired of the daily running of this business and all it entailed.

Thomas Howard was the son of the late Maxwell Howard. The original Founder of all that stood here today.

Maxwell had been a man driven by power, money and business. He had neglected his wife, his family and his friends.  Yes he was successful and had all the luxuries that money could buy. But he had died lonely - surrounded by lawyers and company board members already arguing over his estate before he had drawn his last breath.

He had called his only son Thomas into see him shortly before he died.

Thomas could  remember all the details about that day.

Stifling heat in his father's room, doctors hovering in the background. Machines beeping and whirring, hoping to delay the inevitable demise of this man who was his father. This man whom he knew no better than a stranger - certainly not a man whom he had good childhood memories of.

Maxwell had clung to Thomas' hand as if it was the lifeline he needed to survive. His eyes misted up as he apologised to his son for never being there. He had made Thomas promise to look after his mother, look after the company, but more importantly -- to never turn into the money grabbing business man that his father had become. It was too late for Maxwell to undo the wrongs he had done. He just hoped his final words would sink into this man who was his son. His son who looked at him in fear, awe and most of all pity.

Thomas was dragged back to the present by a gentle knock on his office door.

He wiped his eyes, adjusted his tie and stood as his personal assistant stepped in.

"Ah Karen - I take it Amy is on her way to see me?"

"Yes sir....and you wife has called for you again. Um...she says...well..."

"Go on then," smiled Thomas, quite enjoying what he knew he was about to hear.

"Umm..." Karen looked at her shoes hoping the ground would swallow her up.

"She says if you're not home in the next hour she your arse"

Thomas chuckled loudly.

"Just this last meeting, then I will be home. - Just let her know for me will you? I really would like a quiet weekend!"

**Thank you for reading. ***

Chapter 2 on its way soon.

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