Chapter 4

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The only sound was the large clock, ticking rhythmically in the background.
Amy stared at Mr Howard.
She knew she was being rude, but there was nothing else she could do.
"Bring him back?" She muttered faintly.
"Yes" Mr Howard answered  firmly. "I want you to bring him back home, here, to this company."
All traces of nice 'Grandpa Howard' had vanished.
Vaguely Amy thought that this was why Mr Howard was in charge of all that he had. She guessed that when Mr Howard asked for something, no one ever said no.
"He really expects me to do it? He really expects me to just go do it?" She thought - a sense of panic slowly rising in her chest.
"But how?" She asked herself, more than any one else. But the words came out of her mouth - quiet and shaking.
Mr Howard looked across the large desk.
"Well that my dear, is really up to you.
I don't care how you do it. You have all travel expenses paid, all extra costs will be taken care of. Karen will give you a company credit card on the way out - it should cover any expenses you need. Oh, and of course your travel documents."
"Travel documents?"
"New York - Monday morning. You have the weekend to pack of course. "
"But.....I have a cat" she meekly replied, feeling rather faint at this point. It was the only coherent thing her brain could come up with as to why she couldn't go on this ridiculous trip overseas.
"Of course your apartment will be looked after in your absence. I'm sure we can arrange a cat sitter for you as well."
Amy began to think maybe this was some mistake. Maybe she had fallen over really hard on the way back here and this was just a really big dream.
Or maybe it was a case of mistaken identity. There must be another Amy Anderson in another department who was much more suited to this kind of thing.
Mr Howard leaned across the desk.
An imposing  figure now who clearly meant business.
"Miss Anderson - you are going to New York on Monday. You WILL find my son, and you WILL bring him home back to England. I don't care what you do or how you do it Miss Anderson.  He must be here before the end of the year. And must not find out that you are in any way connected to me or this company until I have seen him. I demand complete discretion. No one here is to have any idea what you are doing other than myself and Karen.  Do I make myself clear?"
Amy stared at Mr Howard and nodded slowly. Feeling like a mouse trapped between a hard wall and a huge cat, she realised there was no saying 'no' to this man.
"Excellent" - Mr Howard smiled warmly. Business tyrant Howard was gone and  Grandpa Howard had returned.
"Karen will fill you in with all you need to know. Now let's get you some cake."

The clocked ticked loudly in the quiet room.
Thomas remained seated at his desk, staring blankly ahead.
He hadn't meant to scare the young lady, but she really didn't understand the importance of the whole situation.
He just hoped that she could succeed where he had failed so many times.
Standing up, he walked slowly to the towering windows and stared outside to the streets below as the daylight began to fade and the night began to wrap its shadows around the city.
"Come home Callum" he whispered softly to the night sky.
Abruptly he turned, strode to his desk and picked up his brief case.
It was time to go home to his wife. He smiled to himself as he thought of Marilyn.
He would tell her eventually what he had planned. No point in worrying her if non of this worked out.
He was sure she would be pleased in the end.

Just so long as the end was a happy one.

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