Chapter 3

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The doors of the lift smoothly opened.

Amy stepped into the lounge, with carpet so deep she felt her shoes sink into it.

Feeling incredibly under-dressed, she cautiously made her way over to Karen's clean, tidy efficient looking desk.

Karen smiled warmly -

"Just take a seat Amy. Mr Howard will only be a minute."

Amy turned and made her way to the seating area, and sank into the plush cushions.

Wow - this place was better than her apartment. She smiled to herself as she pictured herself and Fluff snuggled up on the sofa.

"If this is what the office looks like, heavens only knows what the home of Mr Howard is like" - she muttered to herself.

Karen approached, smiling politely. Amy blushed as she realised that she had probably just been caught talking to herself.

"Come this way - Mr Howard will see you now."

Amy was seated nervously in Mr Howards office as he scanned her employee file.

No family ties, quiet, dependable, discreet. Yes, exactly what he was looking for.

He looked over the file, noticing Amy's nervous eyes darting around the room.

"So", he began - as Amy's whole body jumped at the sound of his voice.

"I'll tell you what, how about some tea or perhaps coffee? I know I could really do with some."

"Erm..." began Amy, not at all sure what she was supposed to reply in this situation. Do you graciously accept - but would that look greedy? Or do you graciously decline - but wouldn't that look ungrateful?

It was too late as Mr Howard was already on the intercom, instructing Karen to bring in both tea, coffee and some pastries.

He smiled calmly at Amy in an attempt to calm her obvious nerves.

" I hope you don't mind me calling you back to the office Miss Anderson. I really do appreciate you coming back in, especially in this terrible weather". They both glanced out at the dark clouds and teaming rain, which looked even more depressing and gloomy at this great height, and through the large windows of the office.

Above all the surrounding buildings, the view was quite breathtaking. Even more so when the sun was out and the skies were clear.

"Its no problem" replied Amy.

"Well, I have quite an important job for you Miss Anderson. I wanted to speak to you in person. I didn't want you to worry my dear." He smiled again, trying to put Amy at ease.

She relaxed slightly as he smiled. He didn't seem at all like one of those ruthless business men who owned huge companies. Oh she had heard plenty of rumours about his need for competence. How he had fired his last pa for sneaking office supplies home and using her office tablet to update her facebook status. How he expected 100% loyalty from all his staff all the time. From the board members down to the cleaning staff.

Yet here he was, calm, charming and polite. Very much like a grandpa sitting with his granddaughter for afternoon tea!

Conversation paused as Karen entered the office to place down a very large tray with tea, coffee, milk, cream, sugar and a selection of pastries and biscuits. Amy was sure she would have tipped the whole lot over if she'd had to bring the tray in!

As Karen poured tea for Mr Howard, and coffee for Amy, she glanced around the office. It was huge.

The desk alone could have comfortably seated at least 8 people.

Floor to ceiling windows added to the rooms vast appearance. Not to mention the absolutely enormous television screen on one wall. Amy was just thinking that she  didn't know they even made them that big, when Karen closing the door to the office bought her back to reality.

"So - how are you finding it, working here?" Mr Howard asked.

"Oh, its really great" answered Amy.

"You're having no problems, everyone being OK with you?"

"Yes sir, everyone's been fantastic."

Was that what this was about?

Had someone been complaining about her?

"Good, good. " Mr Howards voice trailed off as if he was unsure what to say next.

"Well, my important job proposal" he smiled.

Amy nodded, not sure what to say or do. She opted to take a sip of coffee while she waited expectantly for Mr Howard to continue.

"As you are probably well aware Miss Anderson, I have two of my eldest children who work here."

Amy nodded, unsure of where this was going.

Mr Howard did indeed have a son and daughter who worked here, and boy, had she heard some rumours about those two!

Nate was the eldest son. A man who had the same high expectations of his staff as his father had. He was in charge of the accounting side of the company.

Although Amy had originally started in accounting she had hardly seen Nate. He was always one of the first at the office and one of the last to leave. Rumour had it that he had installed a king size bed into the room adjoining his office, so he didn't have to leave at all. He was rarely seen out, but when he was (often with some beautiful gorgeous model drapped on his arm) the paparazzi would quickly follow.

His sister Victoria was the head of the advertising side of the business.

She was much more sociable than her brother and had a real interest in the staff who worked for her. If you landed a job in the advertising department, you were envied by most people.

She liked to keep her private life very private - only attending the business social events. No one had heard of a mans name linked romantically with Victoria, but Amy thought there must be one. No one that beautiful and nice would be left on the shelf.

"I have a second son"

Wooah - now this was new. No one had mentioned another son before.

"His name is Callum. I need you to bring him home."

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