Chapter 2

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Amy walked as briskly as she could towards the looming building that was known simply as 'Howards'.

It was one of those landmarks that people used daily -

'You know which coffee shop I mean....the one across from Howards'.

'I'll meet you by Howards.'

'Follow the road down as far as Howards, and turn left.'

You get the idea.

By now, Amy was soaked wet through.

Her shoulder length brown hair clung to her face. Her clothes hung on her - dripping and cold. She shivered involuntarily as she quickly stepped into the building.

At just 5ft 6, she was one of those women who seemed to be able to blend into the background unnoticed. Average build, brown hair - No body seemed to notice her - a talent which she used to her advantage very well.

Whereas most women at Howards would have pouted, complained, or longed to be noticed, Amy was content to stay in the background. When she was a child she had dreamt about becoming the next James Bond. A super spy who could sneak past security unnoticed!

As an adult, dreams of super spies had disappeared, but she was more than content to 'people watch' when they were unaware of her presence. Often imagining what their homes would be like, what their private life would be like....and there was more than enough people passing through Howards every day to keep her entertained.

She had originally started out at Howards as a short term stand in for her sister, Paige. Paige had worked there as one of the many secretarial staff in the finance department. Whereas Amy liked to stay in the shadows, Paige liked to be the centre of attention.

In true Paige style she had fallen for one of the senior Managers, openly declared her undying love to said senior manager, was very publicly told in no uncertain terms that her undying love was unwanted, and subsequently fired. Amy had quietly stepped in to take Paige's place, and an extremely grateful HR manager didn't object, or question Amy on her qualifications.

It was a job Amy found she could easily do. Ordering files, typing notes and letters, answering phones - she loved the fact she was kept busy.

She was the kind of employee who never complained of the ever growing workload, never complained when she was asked to work late, and didn't mind working weekends or bank holidays - a time when most other people wanted to spend what little time off they got with family and friends.

What little Family Amy had was not local to her. Her parents had retired to the sunny climate of Spain. Paige was busy partying hard, falling from one infatuation to the next. Amy had lost track of where she was living now.

Of course there was Fluff the cat, a large fat lazy moggy who spent his days dreaming of mice, and his nights curled up at the foot of Amy's bed.

Amy had switched departments at Howards a few times. Now she was working as a secretary for the main CEO. Not his personal assistant, god no! She was no where near enough qualified for that one. Mr Howard had several 'tiers' of secretaries. She was one of the lower ranks. High enough to feel she had achieved a good job, but not so high as to have Karen call her or have meetings with the CEO himself. A troubling thought as she nervously chewed her bottom lip and made her way to the lift.

"Back so soon miss?" Asked the burly security guard as she showed him her staff pass.

"Looks that way" she smiled politely to the huge man checking her details as he swiped her card through the computer system.

Amy stepped in to the lift and nervously pressed the button for her floor, floor 12.

She knew Mr Howards office was right up on floor 15 but there was no way she was going up there looking like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Half running, she entered the ladies room to try and salvage some of her professionalism. She grimaced as she looked at her reflection.

She hurriedly combed through her tangled hair and dried what rain she could off her jacket and skirt.

There - almost presentable, but it would just have to do.

She went back into the lift, and nervously pressed the button for floor number 15.

The doors closed in front of her, and that was it. There was no turning back now.

****Thank you so much for reading. All comments are welcome!****

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