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(pretend that Naho, Kiyo and Sumi were ten when Mila was fourteen. So they're 22 in this story)

AFTER THE LONG-AWAITED LETTER FROM SHINOBU CAME, the Hanazuwa family swiftly packed their bags and rode the train headed east, where the Butterfly Estate was at. Tsubaki and Hiro were upset at leaving their house, but Mila assured them that the house would still be there when they came back.

"Besides, we're going to see Aunt Mitsuri, Kanao, and Shinobu. Wouldn't you like that?"

"Yes, Mama! They sound very pretty!"

The twins had never met the Butterfly Quad or anyone from the Corps, for that matter. They only heard stories but never managed to imagine faces or saw pictures. And after Mitsuri visited, they only knew her. Mila could tell they were ecstatic in meeting Kanao the most, since they recently found out that she was Mila's best friend.

The twenty-four hours taken to get to the Estate was worth it. Mila could see the same wisteria blossoms that arched as an entryway, their scent amusing the twins. The white-rock path was the same as well, and so was the majestic minka.

Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi—all grown-up—were chatting as they hung up white bedsheets and linens in clothing lines. Mila could clearly see how much they'd grown. Naho's hair reached her waist and was in her classical twin braids with red butterflies. Kiyo was a tad taller than the rest, her green butterfly pins standing out in her low pigtails. And Sumi's hair was now shoulder-length, blue butterflies styled like Kanao's.

Kiyo was the first to notice Mila's and Akito's presence. She turned to them, the basket of laundry pressed against her side. Her lips parted in surprise, then she rubbed her eyes as if she couldn't believe this was real. She squealed and grabbed the sleeves of Naho's and Sumi's white uniform, getting their attention.

"Mila! Oh my kami, look at these two!" Kiyo dropped the basket and ran towards Tsubaki and Hiro, who greeted her with open arms. She carried the girl while Naho and Sumi entertained Hiro.

"How long has it been, Mila?" Naho smiled warmly, clasping her hands behind her back. "Twelve years? It's so good to see you again. You have no idea how much we missed you. Especially Aoi."

"Sorry for not visiting, Naho," Mila apologized profusely, rubbing her nape. She felt extremely guilty now. "You guys look so different than when you were ten. And in a good way."

Aoi must've heard the commotion because she ran out of the estate and attacked Mila with hugs and kisses, occasionally giving the twins the same amount of affection. "And look at Akito-san, the cool Tsuchinoe! Been taking care of Mila properly?"

Akito chuckled and smiled, putting an arm on Mila's shoulder. "We've been well, Aoi-san."

We all made our way to the Butterfly Estate, where Mila saw Kanao taking measurements on medicine doses as she picks bottles from several cabinets. She noticed them and smiled at the Kanata, nodding.

"Nice to see you, Love Hashira," Kanao said teasingly, and Mila blushed pink. Mila hit her arm gently and did her best not to pout. "Shut up, Kanaoooo."

She giggled and patted Tsubaki's and Hiro's heads. They were staring at her in awe and admiration. Hiro even nuzzled up to Kanao's warm hand. Kanao then stood up and asked the rest to leave the room for a bit.

Once it was only Mila and Kanao in the lab, she turned to her with a serious look, her butterfly-and-rose-patterned haori swaying with the sudden wind that entered the room. "Mitsuri-sama and Iguro-sama are still fetching Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. The rest of the Hashiras and former Hashiras are in the Ubuyashiki estate, having a meeting."

"It really has been so long, huh?" Mila said, taking out her old demon slayer uniform out of her backpack. She stared at it longingly, reminiscing the memories. "So we're going to be facing Muzan's daughter?"

"That's a likely possibility," Kanao theorized, continuing her work. Mila decided to help as well. "But we can't confirm it for sure until we see her. We need Inosuke for that job, since he has the best sensory skills. Mitsuri-sama and the rest are on their way by now."

Mila remembered the boar-head that challenged her to spar with him many times. She wonder if he had improved over the years? What about Tanjiro and Nezuko? Mila had heard Nezuko got turned back into a human. Did that mean Tanjiro trained her with sword skills as well? Would she be a new slayer to the Corps?

The two finished up the medicines and Mila waved a goodbye to Kanao, making her way to the main headquarters. This was where she had first met Oyakata-sama, during the tsuguko presentation. She missed him a lot. He was the kindest person she'd ever met, and the most dedicated one at that.

Mila bumped into Shinobu, who's eyes widened at the sight of her, then stilled with a genuine smile. "Mila-chan. Nice to see you back, and as a Love Hashira as well."

"Thank you, Shinobu-sama," Mila bowed, and grinned at her.

"I see your stutter is gone as well. You really have grown, Mila-chan."

Mila smiled, knowing that Shinobu was one to observe people a lot. The rest of the Hashiras filed out behind her, and smiling whenever they saw her. Gyomei-sama even patted her head with his large hand.

And there he was. The very guy Mila was trying to forget.



Mila stayed quiet, hoping for someone to come and ruin the awkward atmosphere. Her prayers were answered once Naho came running, Tsubaki and Hiro at her tail. Mila grabbed Tsubaki's arm just before she tripped on a stray white stone, and dusted her cheeks free of dirt.

"Be more careful, okay, Tsubaki?" She reminded her, and she quickly nodded, brown hair dancing. Her gray eyes, something unique she got from Akito, was sparkling when she saw Muichiro.

"You have very pretty hair, sir!" Tsubaki complimented and tugged at a strand of Muichiro's long hair. He seemed so hurt, like his heart had been shattered just at the sight of my daughter, but he still smiled and let her examine his silky locks.

After all, it's the only thing I can do to Mila's daughter, Muichiro thought. It's the only thing I can do to rid of the pain in my heart.

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