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MILA'S EYES STRUGGLED TO PROCESS IT ALL. One minute she was taking a small yet tense stroll with Muichiro, and the next second she spotted Naoko in a dark corner of an abandoned building, a real human corpse resting in front of her. The person's liver was in her bloody hand, and more blood decorated her cheeks, lips, and dress.

   "Oh? So we meet again! You must've missed me. It's barely been a day." Was she actually jesting right now? She was eating a human and was joking about it? That made Mila convinced that she actually was demented. "You want some?"

   "Cut the bullshit," Mila said coldly, gripping her whip-like sword. "We're ending you."

   "Few words for a lady of strength, hm? That's too bad. I was hoping for a chat and oshiruko too."

   Muichiro readied his own katana, taking deep breaths before executing his move. "Breath of Mist, Eighth Form, Haze!"

   Within seconds, thick mist enveloped the outskirts of the building, not enough to make someone outside suspicious. Any civilians wandering in would make their job harder than it was supposed to.

   Mila spun around to see that Muichiro was gone in the blink of an eye and was reappearing everywhere. Images of him appeared rapidly, faster than the human eye could distinguish. And in a second, he appeared behind the child, ready to slice her neck off.

   However, something peculiar happened. Naoko simply swerved away from the sword's direction, and using Muichiro's momentum against him, punched his ribcage, flinging his body to a wall. The impact made a loud thudding noise, and blood spurted out of his mouth.


   A giggle came out of Naoko's lips. Had it not been for the fact that she was a literal demon, Mila would have considered the sound to be adorable.

   "Perhaps Papa was mistaken, then. I thought the eighth form of the Breath of Mist was the fastest?" Naoko jeered, a serious look taking over her face. "Weaklings, every single one of you. Weakness in humans disgust me."

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