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"TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, I actually want to end your lives, right here, right now," Naoko explained irritably, as if she was chewing on hard and sour candy. "You're scum, just like these two behind me. But Papa always told me to fight slayers when all of them are ready to face their deaths. Together."

Just how did the kid know what to do? And why did she keep saying that Muzan told her things? Did she know she was a half-blood even when Muzan was still alive?

In the blink of an eye, Naoko was gone, with the last trails of her childish laughter echoing through the dark alley. Muichiro cursed and turned a cold stare towards Mila. He then proceeded to walk away, and Mila scrambled after him.

"Wait...wait! Tokitou-san, where are you going?!"

"Isn't it obvious? Back to the headquarters. Kagaya-sama needs to hear of this immediately."

"Why can't you just send your crow? It would be unwise to leave when Naoko's at the loose in this city. What if havoc breaks the second we board the train home?"

Muichiro stopped and soaked in her words. True, it was going to be a hassle if that child attacked while they were on their way home peacefully. Also, no other slayers were stationed in Nagasaki. Reinforcements would come in too late should there be an attack.

And so many lives would be lost yet again due to a single choice.

"...fine. We'll have to do rounds around the city at nighttime though. I don't think we can last for the entire night just walking around."

Mila sighed in relief. Truth be told, she was mentally exhausted. She was worried sick for Tsubaki and Hiro, worried sick because of Naoko, and worried because of how hostile Muichiro was acting towards her.

Obediently Mila trailed behind Muichiro, keeping alert eyes everywhere at once. Almost everything caught her attention, everything seemed suspicious. She had forgotten if demons could transform into a different person entirely, but she sure as hell wasn't about to risk putting her guard down.

WINTER BREEZE | t. muichiroWhere stories live. Discover now