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A CROW LANDED IN MILA'S WINDOW THE NEXT WEEK. She recognized it as Kanao's, from the sakura-like painting on its beak. There was a note tucked in its claw, and she gave it some bird seeds before thanking it for its service.

Mila hadn't heard in Kanao in so long. Based on her calculations, Kanao would be twenty-eight now, a full three years ahead of her. She wondered how much her best friend had changed.

The parchment paper was slightly soggy, but Mila could still make out the message.

Dear Mila,

Hi, it's me. Tsuyuri Kanao. You've probably forgotten about me, but you never once slipped my mind. How are you?

Before I get on to the sentimental stuff, I want to brief you in on what's been happening. Mitsuri-sama said she couldn't write to you herself since she's busy looking for the other former slayers and Hashiras along with Iguro-sama. So she asked me to write to you instead.

I overheard a conversation the other day. Ubuyashiki Kiriya-sama is on full force, rebuilding the Demon Slayer Corps and gathering allies ever since Tanjiro confirmed that Muzan did, indeed, have a half-demon child.

Although the chances are low she'd follow in her father's footsteps, it isn't exactly impossible, which is why Kiriya-sama asked us to be on guard. We've been trying to remake the hospital into a training ground once more, and it's been easy since no one's been that sick.

Master told me that she'd send you a crow once the newly-built Corps are going to commence their meeting. Although we are now the new Hashiras, the formers are still going to battle, once Mitsuri-sama and Iguro-sama have gathered them.

I'll write to you soon, new Love Hashira.

The Flower Hashira,

Tsuyuri Kanao

Imagine Mila's surprise when she read the last part. She knew that Kanao was perfectly capable and smart, but it still shocked her. It was as if it was only yesterday that they were both tsugukos, training under the strongest of the strong. Now they were the ones filling in the gaps of those strong slayers.

She decided to focus on the contents of the letter. The Demon Slayer Corps was a thing again. Her family wasn't going to be her only priority now. There would be demons to slay, slayers to heal, and people to mourn for. Akito would probably be a strategist once more.

Speaking of Akito, it would be a perfect chance to talk to him tonight. He was coming home after a hectic two weeks in Tokyo and was looking forward for a rest. Still, he would have to resign if it meant he was going to join the Corps.

Mila smiled. Time to prove my worth as a Love Hashira.

AKITO AGREED TO HIM RE-JOINING THE CORPS, but was having second thoughts. After all, they had children to look after. Both had no relatives to entrust their children to, and Mila's was scattered across the globe.

Akito ruffled his head of brown hair, a worried look flashing in his eyes. "I'm fine working alongside Kiriya-sama once more, even if it means having to leave my job in Tokyo. But what about Tsubaki and Hiro?"

"That's what I was going to say," Mila said worriedly, gripping the ends of her kimono sleeves. "I can't hand them over to Akime or any of my brothers. I'd be too ashamed, especially since they have kids of their own. Is your sister still in Japan?"

"She is, but she's constantly traveling to Osaka and kami knows where," Akito answered. "I don't think she'll be a good baby-sitter anyway. If the kids were, I don't know, fourteen and up I'd be comfortable in leaving them alone in the house."

"I'm not comfortable leaving them alone at any age, Akito. This is Tsubaki and Hiro we're talking about. What if a demon comes and attacks them while we were busy with a meeting at the headquarters?"

Akito wrapped his arms around Mila, placing his hands on the small of her back. He planted a small kiss on her forehead and smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Mila tilted her head to the side for a second, confused at what Akito asked her. She didn't know what he was planning, but by the grin on his face she could tell it was something involving Tsubaki and Hiro. Finally, in a split second it occurred to her, and her eyes widened.

"Hanazuwa Akito, don't you dare—"

"Come on, Mila! It's important to teach them the basic fighting skills!"

"They're kids, Akito! Why would you think they'd want to kill something, especially a demon? For someone who's a smart Tsuchinoe, you sure are dumb!"

Akito processed his train of thought before letting out an 'oh'. He chuckled, but his face now became serious. "Mila, please, we need to make a decision. What should we do with Tsubaki and Hiro?"

Mila was internally panicking; being held by Akito and thinking of her children's safety were the two main factors why. She really wanted them to be safe and free from the demons, but she couldn't exactly bring them to the Corps without creating a tense atmosphere—

Mila paused. That's it! She could leave Tsubaki and Hiro in the Butterfly Estate with the Butterfly Quad! Why didn't occur to her before?

She explained the plan to her husband, who agreed immediately. They headed to the kitchen for a peaceful dinner after what they had decided. Well, not so peaceful—not with the twins arguing over who's katana was going to be whose.

"Yeah, they found our old katanas in the shed," Mila explained to her husband looking at the twins back and forth.

"Mama's sword is mine!" Tsubaki argued, slamming her spoon down on the wooden table. Akito, having a timid personality when it came to kids, ended up a stuttering mess as he tried to calm his children down. "A girl's sword belongs to a girl!"

"But Mama's sword is cooler!" Hiro yelled back. He, too, mimicked his twin and threw his fork down to the floor. "A cool sword is supposed to be used by a boy!"

"Tsubaki, Hiro!" Mila interjected, earning a fearful look from the twins. Mila rarely got angry with them, but when she did, she was almost unstoppable if not for the kids' pleas or Akito calming her. "None of those two swords belong to you, at least not right now! Mama and Papa need those for the Corps, okay?"

The twins agreed, and they finally had a moment of silence at the table.

"Wait, I thought you said they disbanded the Corps, Mama?"

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