Chapter 17 - I'll find him

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This section contains physical abuse. It also contains a feeling of deserving pain, I'm not sure if it counts as thoughts of self harm since he isn't the one inflicting upon himself but if you are uncomfortable reading this please skip this section which is up to Harry's pov! I will write a short summary in bold at the end of the section, you won't miss anything. Please don't read it if this triggers you in any way💜

*Draco pov*
They left me in the dark.

I was curled on the floor, listening to them telling me over and over how worthless I was. They didn't realise that they didn't need to- that I agreed with them. It had taken little convincing for my mind to return to that way of thinking.




Some of them used the Cruciatus curse on me; others just kicked me or spat on me as they passed. They didn't need to hold me in place. I took it all. I deserved it.

Each burst of pain became welcome, karma. Harry's face swam before my eyes, over and over, reminding me of how I'd failed him. Hurt. Shocked. Betrayed.

All my fault.


Another spell hit me with a force so strong that I almost cried out. I stopped myself, though. I'd quickly learned that they'd just hurt me more if I made noise. Every nerve in my burned, and it was being cut into ribbons, set aflame at a witch's pyre, crushed with a thousand tons, pulled apart by hundreds of thousands of tiny invisible strings.

But was expected, and even as a barely audible whimper escaped me I welcomed the punishment.

Blood traitor.



You're no better than a Mudblood.

The words of those surrounding me swam around and around my head as something hard collided with my nose - probably a boot, I thought vaguely - and all I knew was a silent scatter of blue spots over my vision before it went dark completely.

If you didn't read the above section that part is over :)

Summary: Draco was taken by Death Eaters. They hurt him physically and using the Cruciatus curse, and he's now slipped back into thinking he's worthless and deserving of the pain they inflict upon him. One of the Death Eaters kicked his face and he blacked out.

I bleeped out the f slur (because I'm not lgbt) hope that's ok? Please comment and tell me if I've done something wrong so I can change it!!

*Harry/narrator pov*
"Please mind the gap between the train and the platform."

A woman's tinny voice echoed across the train as it jolted and began to move.

Harry clutched his takeaway cup of tea, hardly hearing the voice. He'd requested the tea to be strong, hoping it would keep him awake, but the truth was it had now been two days and he hadn't had any sleep at all, and one cup of tea was not going to keep his eyes open.

In the last two days, Harry had visited two of the addresses, and was now on his way to a third, located in Yorkshire. He'd taken the train directly from London. The other two houses had been a disappointment- long-abandoned war plans, diagrams of Hogwarts Castle's wards and secret tunnels, old blood spattered on the walls or the floor at random intervals, but no sign of life or recent activity. Everything was coated in dust; it had felt like a museum.

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