Chapter 19 - Peace

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*Harry pov*
Draco was still shaking slightly as the two boys sat on the bed in Draco's room. Felicity had visited about an hour ago via the Floo network to give Harry a very long and threatening lecture about how if he ever left Draco again or refused to listen to him she would personally hunt him down and roast him over a spit. Harry was sufficiently terrified and had apologised profusely to both her and Draco for being such a numbskull.

"You were awesome, by the way. In case I haven't said that enough already," Harry commented for what was at least the fifth time.

"You weren't so bad yourself," Draco replied with a voice that was lacking some of its usual vigour - who could blame him, really, Harry thought. He must be exhausted. "In all seriousness," Draco said, slightly more quietly, "I'm honestly not sure which of us had it worse. But I'm- I'm really proud of you for getting through that." Harry, of course, felt that it was a no-brainer - Draco had unquestionably been dealt the worst hand - but he said nothing, something warm igniting inside him at Draco's words.

Draco lay back, and Harry joined him, the two staring at the ceiling for a moment. Then, hesitantly, Draco's head found its way onto Harry's chest. Harry forgot for a moment how to breathe - it felt like they'd only really done this when half-asleep - but as he met no resistance, Draco curled up, eyes closed, his fluff of blond hair all that was visible to Harry as the other boy closed his own eyes and the two drifted into contended sleep.


Harry woke to the sun streaming through the windows, over which he realised he'd forgotten to draw the curtains the previous night. Draco was still sleeping, so Harry gently disentangled him and reached over to close the curtains, in an attempt to give his boyfriend a few extra hours of well-earned sleep.

For once, Draco's face was peaceful and relaxed, the usual crease between his eyebrows gone and his breathing deep and even. The edges of morning light caught on his hair, making it seem pure white and luminous and accentuating its fluffy texture.

Harry realised that he was staring and glanced away. Upon remembering that Draco was, in fact, his boyfriend and he had every right to stare at his beautiful face for exactly as long as he pleased, his eyes drifted again to gaze at the sleeping boy.

For a few minutes Harry just sat there on the emerald-green sheets, cross-legged, eyes naturally gravitating to Draco's lips.

Then he realised that this was probably becoming a bit creepy, and sighed before dragging his eyes away and leaving down the corridor to hunt down some breakfast.


Short filler chapter for a longer one next time - I'm about halfway through it but I figured we should check in with our favourite pair before we do a timeskip of a couple months. I was gonna post it all in one chapter but it felt weird to do a timeskip right in the middle.

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