Chapter 1 - Roommates

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A/N: there are a lot of characters I couldn't write as dead, so they did not die in this story!! Enjoy :)

Harry was back for another year of Hogwarts, having missed his seventh year, because Hogwarts had offered him the option of an eighth year. Harry wanted to do his NEWTs, so this was an ideal opportunity, even if he wouldn't be with Ron and Hermione this year. The Ministry had offered them both jobs, Hermione in the new Department for the Welfare of Magical Creatures and Ron as an Auror. Harry had decided that he'd rather get his NEWTs in Potions and Charms before working as an Auror.

He entered the familiar building of Kings Cross with his trolley, and made his way to the barrier and through by one minute to eleven, just in time. The familiar red steam train was already blowing out great gusts of smoke. Harry quickly got on the train.

Because he was an extra this year, there wasn't a lot of room on the train for him. After a lot of searching he finally found one carriage that wasn't totally packed, it only had one person in. The unmistakeable blond hair was messy and Draco Malfoy was asleep. Harry felt sorry for Malfoy, because his friends weren't coming back to Hogwarts either, and these days Malfoy was loathed by the rest of the school for following Voldemort. The name of Malfoy was disgraced everywhere.

Harry put his trunk above their heads and sat down quietly opposite him. The sight of Malfoy's peaceful face was calming, and Harry soon nodded off too.

He woke up about an hour later, Malfoy was stirring and the trolley witch had come round. Harry bought a Pumpkin Pasty and a Chocolate Frog, but on second thoughts got an extra Pumpkin Pasty and slipped it under the table as if someone had forgotten it, remembering how the Ministry had confiscated much of the Malfoys' fortune- if he hadn't brought anything at least he could 'find' this.

Malfoy stirred again, and then jerked awake. He groaned as he saw Harry, but then looked at the trolley, and the Pumpkin Pasty under the table, and back at the trolley, and said in a sleepy yet sharp voice, "I'm not a charity case, Potter. And in case you'd forgotten, there is an enormous feast waiting for us in the Great Hall. Mother made me apple sandwiches anyway. They're much better than some pasty."

Indeed, Malfoy did seem to enjoy his sandwich. Harry cursed himself for bothering to help Malfoy, but in any case he should have known that it would hurt Malfoy's pride too much to take an abandoned pasty, purposely left there or not.

The trolley witch had now left, and Malfoy glared at Harry.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I wanted to finish my NEWTs."

"Not at Hogwarts, Potter. I mean what on earth possessed you to come and sit in my compartment."

"Everywhere else was full. And it seemed safe enough at the time, since you were asleep."

"Safe?" This seemed to have hit a nerve. There was a slight catch in Malfoy's voice. "After all this time, I'm still just a dark wizard to you?"

"No," said Harry, "but, you know, you kind of make my life miserable most of the time. It was safe because you weren't insulting me if you were asleep."

Malfoy closed his eyes as the whistle at the front blew, signalling that they were nearing Hogwarts. "You're right, this was better when I was asleep. You were much less insulting to me in my dream."

In his dream? Malfoy had been dreaming about him? Harry decided not to push it, because he already felt bad about the pasty and his general lack of consideration towards Malfoy's feelings.

The train soon pulled in and Harry sat with Luna instead of Malfoy on the horseless carriage ride up, for obvious reasons, but he couldn't see any other eighth years about. He thought he caught sight of a Ravenclaw girl he vaguely recognised from his year, but there was no one he knew, and as far as he could see, no Gryffindors. Brilliant.

He and Luna sat in silence, because she was reading and he felt too awkward to disturb her.

When they finally got to the castle itself, Professor McGonagall ushered Harry, Malfoy, the Ravenclaw girl and a Hufflepuff girl Harry didn't recognise to one side. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat.

"You four are the only eighth years this year. Miss Bones, Miss Edgecombe, you will be sharing a room, and Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy, you will also share a room. I am sorry but the castle doesn't have a lot of room for eighth year students. We've converted an old staff room for your common room, and there is a boys' room and a girls' room attached."

She led them up the stairs to the fourth floor, and down a corridor where there was a door; she led them through it to a comfortable- looking little room with a sofa and a few armchairs, bedecked in all four house colours and with a fire crackling merrily away in the grate.

"Boys, this door leads to your room and girls this one leads to yours. I'm afraid the staircases are a bit longer than you're used to because we had to connect up the available rooms. Boys your room is technically on the sixth floor and girls yours is on the second." McGonagall smiled. "Have a wonderful year." She said warmly, flicked her wand at the table in the corner upon which appeared their timetables, each in their respective house colour, and left.

After taking their timetables each person left in the direction of their dormitory. The sixth floor, Harry remembered, was mostly storage, and as they reached their bedroom he could certainly see it as a storage cupboard. There was a wardrobe next to a double bed, just enough space for the wardrobe to open.

Harry looked at Malfoy and at the double bed. There certainly wasn't enough space for one of them to sleep on the floor.

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