Chapter 2

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Luckily for Hinata, it was Saturday. They spent the day analyzing more volleyball games on TV and practicing themselves. By night, it began raining hard and they finished the videos. Kageyama offered Hinata to stay another night since he couldn't really send him home with the harsh weather.

The sat on the couch and Kageyama put on a movie for them to watch. As they were watching, Hinata noticed Kageyama was very close again. He couldn't move since he was against the armrest already, but he still couldn't help but think of this morning.

"K-Kageyama? How do you f-feel about m-m-me?"

"How do I feel about you? Well, your a short boke who doesn't know how to receive, but yet somehow we get along. Why do you ask?"

"Bakayama! You didn't have to put it like that!" His face grew red and he crossed his arms, turning away from the setter who just chuckled.

Hinata suddenly felt an arm slip around his waist. "Well, are you going to tell me what you think of me?"

"Th-this isn't fair Kageyama!" Hinata cried, pushing the arm away.

"I think it is. I answered your question, so how about mine?" His face was very straight forward. He placed his hand on Hinata's shoulder. "You already know how I feel about you, I just don't know about your response."

Hinata, red as can be, didn't know what to say. How could he say he had feelings for him when his crush just said something so mean about him.

"Fine, if you won't talk, I guess I'll just make dinner for us. I hope you dont mind curry" he says, getting up off the sofa and to the kitchen. When it was done, he called for Hinata to eat.

The food was good and they washed the dishes together, saving the rest of the curry for tomorrow. They went up to Kageyama's room and sat down, both turning to their phones.

Hinata eventually got a text for Kageyama. If you at my house, you might as well interact with me, you know? Hinata sighed and walked over to him. Kageyama was already laying in his bed.

Hinata got in the bed as Kageyama turned off the light. Kageyama rested an arm over Hinata, who turned red again. "K-Kageyama, what are you-"

"Shh. It's okay, right? I mean, you didn't stop me this morning, so your okay with this, right?" Hinata froze. This morning? Did he know he wasn't actually asleep?

"Boke, come on. Just tell me how you feel so I can know what to do with my feelings. I told you how I feel, so how about you?"

"W-Well, your a big dumbie and your cool and you set to me, so I guess your alright."

Kageyama then pulled him closer. He tried to protest but Kageyama held strong. "Your so close to the edge. I don't want you to fall now, and I'm happy that I'm at least 'alright'" he said. Hinata felt his face get even warmer.

"B-B-Bakayama..." he murmured.

"I know you were pretending earlier. You know how I feel, and your face tells me how you feel to, but I want to hear it from you first."

"But your a guy."

"Yeah, and so are you. What's wrong with that?"

"W-Well, how would we even-"

"The same as anyone else. Didn't anyone tell you that two guys can fall in love and make each other happy? Tell me how you really feel now."

"I-" Was he really going to do it? Kageyama basically already told him his feelings, and a part of him really wanted him, but yet another part didn't knkw if it was right.

Hinata sat up. "Is it really okay? For us, I mean, to feel like this?" Kageyama just smiled.

"Does that mean you feel the same?" Kageyama asked. Hinata simply nodded.

"D-Does that mean I can..." Hinata laid back down and faced Kageyama, who was also blushing a little. He nodded and their lips met.

It was a short yet passionate kiss, and they were happy all the same. When they pulled away, the two couldn't help but smile. They cuddled in each others arms for the rest of the night.

Haikyuu ~ My Baka, a Kagahina Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now