Chapter 5

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Hinata awoke with a smile on his face. He got ready, putting his uniform on and packing his gym bag. His bento was already on the counter with his breakfast, so he was able to bike straight off to school.

When he got there, he locked up his bike, and Kageyama was waiting for him. They raced to the gym as usual and laughed when they ended it with a tie.

While Kiyoko and Yachi quickly started talking to themselves, Suga approached their captain. "Well those two seem to be happy this morning. Any idea why, Daichi?"

"Not sure, but let's just hope we get through today before their mood drops."

The morning practice and school went fairly normal. During their lunch break, the two even tried improving on Hinata's receives. After school, they race once more to the gym, Hinata winning this time by just a pinch.

"Chibi-chan! Tobio-chan! Yahoo~" a familiar voice called.

"The Great King! Your here!" Hinata exclaimed immediately going to greet Oikawa.

Poor Kageyama had forgotten about their practice match today, and wasn't prepared for the sight he saw. "Tch... Hinata, come with me for a second." he said, practically dragging Hinata away.

Once they were alone, Kageyama pulled him into a tight hug. "B-Bakayama, what's wrong? We have a practice match. We need to hurry and get changed."

"Why do you have to be so friendly with him of all people? I just..."

"Are you...jealous? Baka, I told you that I loved you, not the Great King." He hugged him back and nuzzled his face in his boyfriends chest. "Come on, I promise you everything will be okay, but for now, we really need to get ready before others come looking, ok?"

Kageyama pulled away from the hug nodding. The two of them went to the club room to quickly change and then caught up with everyone else in the gym. Kageyama and Hinata sat there and tried coming up with what to practice that afternoon while they waited for the match to start.

"Alright, guys! Let's line up!" Daichi called.

"Yes sir!"


The game ended and Hinata almost asked for another set or two until he saw Kageyama in the corner of his eye. Yeah...I think it's best if we just let them go home this time.

Hinata waved excited as they walked out of the gym, and ran to get a ball. "Wanna set me some spikes, Kageyama?"

"Yeah, sure. Not to late though. Miwa wants to see you again already. She is leaving tonight and claimed she wanted 'as much Hinata time as possible' before she had to go back to college."

Hinata laughed. "Makes sense. Let's get as much practice in as we can before we have to go!"

As they practiced, Suga and Daichi watched from a corner. "What do you think happened this weekend? I thought they were just going to watch some old national matches. I've never seen them so happy together."

"Well, who knows. Maybe they said something they have been holding in, like some grudge or something so now they are able to get along better? I'm not sure."

"Oh please, Captain." Kiyoko called, walking up beside them. "You two really can't tell? Me and Yachi sensed it immediately."

"What do you mean by that, Kiyoko?" Suga asked.

"We just simply have a feeling that this isn't going to be the first one, and once you all notice, things will soon be changing with you boys." She giggled and walked away, leaving the two third years even more confused.

Even leaving earlier then usual, Kageyama and Hinata were still the last ones to leave the gym. They went straight to Kageyama's place, not even stopping for meat buns.

"Hi Miwa! Nice to see you again!" Hinata called when they got to the door, and she immediately came and pulled him away.

"I'll return him in a little while Tobio!" she called before either of the boys could even react.

She brought him upstairs to her room, where she had a pair of shorts and one of her brothers hoodies on the bed. "Take a shower, put this on, and then come back, ok?"

Hinata laughed. This wasn't the first time Miwa would do something like this when she saw him, and probably wouldn't be the last either. He did as he was told, washing up after practice, and putting on the outfit before returning to her room.

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